nationalist4liberty (CI-1)

Discord ID: 311288212746272770

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unreal they are jewing me so bad on bitcoin

Do any of you remember finding out about people who thought nazis and hitler werent bad guys?

and thinking that they are either insane or just like evil

so weird to be on the other side of it now

idk I dont think they were perfect either or anything

yeah the fact is that germany was indeed under a jewish attack

Would shitlibs know the meaning if your childs name or middle name was Oswald?

first name Oswald middle name Enoch

Great whitepill about that anti abortion lady and her chad husband

We need many more wn military men

Just heard on jones that they wanna run pence/Haley 2020 when trump gets impeached

Iโ€™m not but itโ€™s an interesting take

If the globalists are all nazis then why do they demonize the nazis ? ๐Ÿค”

Only way for him to win was massive purge and/or martial law. Right when he took office

Itโ€™s probably too late now

I think he came in with good intentions

He underestimated his enemies

Old commies were pretty damn bad too

they raped and murdered priests

because africans are incompatible with western civilization

All Greek frat and sorority shutdown over fliers

good keep pissing off the right wing kids

did you see whats going on at Cal Poly?

@David Darnell - MT There were some race realism fliers and then also an incident with blackface

Does anyone have the red pill on the whole Prescott Bush wanting a fascist takeover thing?

Because in Scandinavia you only take Home about 10% of your earnings

So it looks like the caravan is coming through soon>

im just being pessimistic

would be irritating if trump has a victory there tho tbh

give his cheerleaders more ammo

it gives the boomers another thing to gloat about

lol Jewish american and Israeli american

>thinking vaccines are what ended polio

@Al_Bi โ€œI take everything the Jews give me and will happily give my child 50-100 shots before age 5โ€. Have fun with your vaccine damaged children <:brainlet:385713689539641344>

What? Mainstream Science says race doesnโ€™t exist

I get the idea that you havenโ€™t even looked into vaccines, you just go with whatโ€™s in the media

The cdc omitted data from the study on vaccines and autism

All you have is insults dude

Iโ€™m not here to do research for him

Head of the cdc during the vaccine study was (((Julie gerberding)))

You havenโ€™t produced anything

Right except Iโ€™m not being a dick

Iโ€™m not here to do your research for you al, you got your info off of Colbert

Yeah what vaccine schedule was around in the 80s and 90s? Itโ€™s over doubled since then

lol they vaccinate newborns for hepatitis

Yeah itโ€™s worse in the usa

Ideally we would get the vaccines clean and fix the schedules

Vaccines under 1 year old donโ€™t even work

What angle is jones coming from?

Essentially heโ€™s discussing the jq

how the fuck does a bruno mars video have 3 billion views?

I really donโ€™t like Bruno mars

Jones going full retard

Saying Kanye is a big anti globalist insider

Saying Kanye and trump are working together

well to a degree its true

do you want to live in a white country?

you wanna live in a mestizo countryy?

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