Message from @🅱arD
Discord ID: 277175112627781643
comfy pepe
You guys are cucked right now but getting better, especially if Le Pen wins @Mad French
My position on this issue is that we should lock up pedos no matter what they are attracted to though. If you rape kids you should be put away
Also you guys had great SS units.
Le pen won't solve everything tbh but may Kek hear you
@🅱arD >only locking them up
>not gassing them
thanks @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe only a few people know about the french ss
Yep. They were some of the last to surrender in Berlin.
They fought on longer for Deutschland than the Wehrmacht.
I think it would depend on how bad their crimes were. Obviously the really bad ones should be killed.
they also were patriots and it's sad that people remember them as traitors
Look, I'll admit the flaws of Nazi Germany. That said, I feel like there were quite a few downsides to the fall of the Third Reich.
It paved the way for so much fucking degeneracy.
German guilt is crazy
like none of them were ever nazis.
Besides, Russia is proud of their heritage during WW2, even if they did some fucked up shit.
Why can't Germany be the same?
They are destroying their own country in the name of not being Nazis.
Ja voll, mein Freund! Wir marschieren in Feindesland und singt ein Teufelslied. @Mad French
@daltoid That petition is jewed
that one isn't
Deutschland uber alles
phew good thanks man
No more brother wars
Ja, wir werden unser Land wieder groß machen.
No problem
@Mad French frenchiiiie
ELK ❤ is super liberal generally though
And the petition is still kiked.
Plus there is nothing guaranteeing Trump will even read it.
Some faggot confirmed it's intentional by looking at the code with JSON.
There's a boolean which disables it from gaining signatures.