Message from @🅱arD
Discord ID: 277145427059671043
@everyone You have to pay for your own equipment and uniforms.
If you want to take action, take up arms. Obviously don't use them. act with discipline
Hello everyone
As with the text channels, we're separated by region
Thus we should have regional uniforms
Oh that's only for murricans?
We can agree on a common badge
it's not just for americans
Such as a spade or something
its for quite literally anyone against communism
@everyone 4 of clubs for patch
@everyone It's /k/ and /pol/ friendly
It's not just for Americans but that was the purpose, since Antifa shitstorm in America is going off
Path of light
4 of clubs path of light
We should have an anouncment channel.
Honestly if I had photoshop right now I could make a good patch
Muh /k/ memes
>tfw more than half of your country are supporting communtsts
they're willing to break into houses in the name of "fighting nazis"
But in America it's just now emerging hard
Imagine if the homeowner was present
Take a buckshot to the chest
I didn't even think it was really a thing in America until 1/20
I feel like America is the best set up to start Anticom though
They're still barely a thing outside the liberaliest hellhole cities
Because our self defense laws are better, we have trump, and we have less communist sympathizers
As shitty as my country is, I love it and can't tolerate mobs acting as if they're niggerbeasts
Needs to be nipped in the bud
Liberal hell holes are densely populated
Guys i suggest you write your state or country in your nicknames
And with high liberal numbers
High liberal numbers in concentrated areas