King Sirbosston

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Any better than OG maps?

Worst OG Map imo is the farm map

Hated how you couldn't have one place to camp and grind xp

I liked that ones athestics

They use custom maps?

Sounds like top tier Merchantry


Theres this one map

I abosultely hate

Can't remember the name

But its snowy


2019-11-09 10:57:27 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Thats basically Gookism

Why do people consider the Merchant meme Anti-Semetic

What are you planning to put in that?

How strong is the war band?

Is it Merchantry level strong?

If I were to use Goblins

I'd use them to destroy the enemy's economy


Dam gooks

Its all big Gookism

Gordoon Roomsay

Conservatives have like 7 seats

My seat went SNP

SNP are basically the KGB but nationalists

SNP is basically gookism

Devolution was a joke#

Its basically dividing the UK even more

SNP are the Swedes of Scotland

Faggy gays

Almost forgot

SNP are cucks

Which is like

50% of Scotland


*Merchantry level increased to 100*

Jo Swinefuck,lost her seat by 150 votes Lmao

What a loser

SNP are Sein Fien are the fuckers

Labour if you count Commies

@Storin You mean Nationalists?

Lmao what?

Loyalists and Unionists are the same

Nationalists and Faggots are the ones who want Irish "Re-unfication"

Keep both of them as part of the UK

With one deal for all

Its the only way we can secure our empire again

They want stay

British Empire Good


On a serious note

Most people don't know shit

Support staying in the UK

@Storin So your plan is to cut off Labour areas?

I wish Fucking Atlee didn't give away the Empire

Labour caused the fall of the UK <:why:462286147473637407>

It gets better

SNP needs to go

And possibly Labour

Whats the point of going and getting elected as MP, only to not sit cause "Politik hurt me feelings"

Not NI and Scotland

Just remove Sein Fien

Its ashame the DUP has not used the Sein Fein tactic to shame the Sein faggot party

We can agree that the SNP,Sein Fein and Labour need to go <:bojo:627262664279851044>

Boomers in the UK have there use

You have to be joking?

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