santa brûlée 2

Discord ID: 248048364699123712

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console shooters would be a lot more playable if the fucking devs actually tried to accommodate the controller instead of just porting the mouse controls to the analog stick

a tiny little bit of "aim assist" in halo goes SUCH a long way to making it feel like a solid game

hes the top person on the memberlist


would highly recommend making sure you share no servers with these users, ask mods to remove them if you see them, and avoid servers where they are permitted @everyone james will be live on the baked alaska experience co hosting a debate between jay dyer and richard spencer in just under 3 minutes

>doom movie
>a script
all you need is a storyboard tbh if doomguy talks its ruined immediately

@everyone wake up new vid <:smug:378698410406051860>

@everyone <:GWfroggyMonkaMega:405753064100986880>



ill beat u up

brazilian justice

slobodon and budd dwyer are together in heaven now <:GWragFeelsComfyMan:390321740158468096>

>you will never hear the grizzly man death footage

family had it destroyed

dirt kevin took that



against discord tos


Chick at a party with friends, they get drunk and decide to go into the odessa catacombs (where it's fully dark), chick gets lost and dies of thirst and starvation there

basically the jap version of mengele

schneiderman rhymes with spiderman

was he bitten by a radioactive rabbi

stoopid bot


spam to your hearts content in here

it worked





not if you value your sanity

it will ruin you forever

its just a meme

its not even real

well to be fair when europe and america were mostly homogenous it was normal to let a traveler stay in your home in exchange for money or labor

the moral of the story: white people dont suck as much @everyone james live rn friendos

!!!play ram ranch twitch

!!!choose 5




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20. If you are underage you must make this apparent to anyone who tries to break rule 19 towards you, and let an admin or mod know if the problem persists.

21. DO NOT sexualize minors.```


PUNISHMENT: All offenses to these rules may lead to immediate mutes, kicks, or bans at the discretion of the moderator or administrator at hand.

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FREE SPEECH: We will maintain a free-speech environment in the server and members will only be banned for speech that is pursuant to the rules outlined above.```

center for american progress

not a biased source at all

alright cant tag him

Caring for one Middle Eastern refugee in America costs $64,370 over five years.
90% of Middle Eastern immigrants to the United States do not pay income tax and receive money from the government.
91.4% of refugees in America are on food stamps. Source:

gee these immigrants sure are a stimulant for the economy

In most countries, immigration reduces the academic performance of native schoolchildren. Source:

Immigration to the United States has increased income inequality. Source:

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