
Discord ID: 161193638959906816

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helloes everyone!

whiter than you jamal


true, but you're illiterate jamal

socialist /= communist you know

o k

woke we have 3 people

fite me

Also I don't like Hamas ๐Ÿค”

?roleinfo Labour

?roleinfo Labor

just merge socialists and labour and you can have a fairly respectable labour party

ah my bad. I just joined and someone else was using them so I thought it was alright. Won't do it in the future. @tsarsNeezy

thanks I'll make sure to use that in the future

@ใ€Œ ใ€ what are your general policy stances

If it's center left then why not just be liberal ๐Ÿค”

@When Things Aren't Right Go Left Yea but you guys support literal feudalists (Hamas)

Just because socialists are small doesn't mean they are a meme @When Things Aren't Right Go Left

We can always weigh in with other parties

I will vote with commies if communists are supporting policies I like and will vote against if you are supporting policies I dislike

everything you do is political, you just don't know it yet ๐Ÿ˜‰

>studies political theory
>is communist


yea socdems are bad

slightly worse than MLs

what are you then

that seems even sillier than MLs

technocratic post-syndicalist ๐Ÿ˜


Veblen's work on Leisure Class, Business Enterprise and Soviet Engineers -> as well as syndicalist works of Sorel and Rocker

Libertarian Marxism? Like autonomists?

I've been meaning to read some Negri but I haven't had the time :/

Libertarian Marxists are cool

ah, I don't really like non-political philosophy, it's hard to conceptualize it vis a vis concrete existence.

Not saying it's bad - just that it's rather hard for me personally to understand

oh so you mean like liberals by western cannon?

yea sorry was just a bit confused

But ye I think that Marx and post-Marx commuinist movements have various issues that prevent me from identifying with them

I take the lesser known syndicalist theories like organic culture, revolutionary will, direct action, antiparliamentarism but don't uphold the main tenet which is viewing trade unions as the revolutionary subject

Which is an issue I have with marxist thought as well; proletarians as the sole revolutionary subject seems rather incorrect to me.

@Rick Strong Veblen defines engineers, but I could also add to that scientists or soldiers or a deterritorialized ethnic group. Regardless there are many pockets of resistance as Foucalt says


@magic You can't just take one person and claim they are indicative of the entire ideology especially when that person is an obvious troll...

Are you sure that's not confirmation bias?


>all our problems will be solved if we just kill this minority group that was not even in the top 10 of proximate causes for the poor economy and societal conditions

>defending khmer rouge

@magic Democratic Kampuchea was Khmer Rouge


Some dingos above were defending the khmer rouge

Go to sleep

Why not

@Pzk If you support the Khmer Rouge you are unironically worse than most fascists

You literally supported a server called after their government. ..

Oh so it's only ironic genocide ๐Ÿค”

nice commas ๐Ÿค”

oh heya

good to see you here

yellow is socialist party

I'm socialist

yea it's a bit of a weird colour

yea is ok


no thanks

post-syndicalist technocratic ๐Ÿ˜

well that's just me, I don't speak for my fellows

Veblen Sorel Rocker

if any of those names ring a bell


Rocker is less known yea, he was an anarcho-syndicalist who lived later on


Nazbols were literally arrested by nazis lmao

@svpreme Because the majority of nazis were retards who didnt want a real conservative revolution.

Potentially, assuming they were working in concert with the Conservative Revolutionaries like historically. However I don't understand why you see the two countries naturally opposed. Afaik Danzig could have been easily obtained with collaboration from Russia. The Moscow - Berlin axis was in Niekisch's writings waay before Hitler marched on Poland

In fact when the Soviets invaded Poland in the Soviet - Polish war; the Germans supported the move as the Poles were seen as occupiers and the USSR was friendly to Germany due to Brest Letovsk and both being Pariahs

Meh, agree to disagree

@When Things Aren't Right Go Left Putin is not a nazi sympathizer lmao

And no Putin isn't living proof of that, Yeltsin was.





Rave is a social construct


Raves too ๐Ÿค”


>real nation


The name Macedonia was first mentioned in whatever the hell BC

Therefore FYROM is descended from Alexander the Great

We all know that modern Ukraine shares neither a language, nor a culture, nor anything else except some paltry geography with Kievan Rus and Ruthenia


Lol angry fascists

Resetting of people to different places does not mean that there is an ethnic cleansing going on

Else the first ethnic cleansing of "ukrainians" would be not by Russians but by the Jews due to Pale of Settlement.

Because of agricultural policy and massive emigration

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