ᛟᛋ Gerald ᛉᛦ

Discord ID: 211973799053099010

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im not actually a nippon im just larping ok

im pretending to be a jap in a different server

mongrel or mongol

is that ur pfp

mongolia is turning neo nazi as fuck now

ever since they became a democracy

yeah tbh i dont think they ever really were made for the USSR

stalin just used them to rape germany

thats pretty much it

for all i know

ironic because the mongols were the ones btfo'ing russians and now the russians are using them

@Firefly#9983 r u stealing fashwave memes

look man i like communism as much as u but you have to be original and not steal alt right memes or it just makes us look bad

do you like jews

@Firefly#9983 are you jewish


>not knowing that the kikes are the biggest capitalist dogs in the world

>the international banking elites that instigate their global capitalist ecnoomy on the world to suck the world dry

strasserism is the ONLY WAY

i am western

how does this make you feel


no the image you fag @Deleted User

@Deleted User im doing good, how about you nazi?

oh hurdur sorry national socialist******

i forgot how anal you are about that

its obvious you're "fashy" bro

i can spot a bigot fascist a mile away

is this news to u fagot

>nazi using stalin memes

nazbol dominates over all

whatever you say

@MrSally the nazbol thing is half serious, I'm a stalinist

yeah its fucking obvious bro

because of the nazi statue???????????????????????????????

oh yeah and i just chose my soviet pic because i hate soviets

and im def not one lol

i like to represent my profile as something that im definitely not

u dont seem that convincing

is that your catchphrase

>when u dont know the answer

>oh fuc they got me

can we have a gulag rank please tbfh

sounds kind of fascist tbh

type faster tovarishch

the volkisch movement was before WW1 so something like that was bound to get big @Deleted User

maybe not the same as how the third reich ended up but volkisch shit was before WW1

germany didnt start the war

austria did

serbia did and then austria had to go to war

and then germany had to protect their austrian allies

it was a giant clusterfuck of a mistake

why would they want in

really really wanted in why

i dont think the second reich wanted to

but i know they didnt like russians

so im sure they wanted to go to war with russia

just because they're an empire doesnt mean they want to take over the world

p. sure they just wanted all of german peoples under one flag

the nazis really wanted ukraine and stuff because of their whole indo european theory thing

it is a fact that germany did not start the war

dont know why you keep saying that

it was the serbs and austrians

everyone else got caught in the cross fire basically

because of defensive pacts

you cant just *not* defend your allies

yes they had to declare war for their allies?

they have to officially declare war

they were not the first

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