
Discord ID: 413150377505062913

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They are separate from the state. Their right to religious freedom separates them from violating their religious beliefs

They are insulated from society and the state at large. They interact with ordinary people seldomly

In terms of social organization they are separate from the government though

Taxes don't mean much. Every entity has to pay them in some form or another

Paying some taxes doesn't discount your independence

Any place where there is human settlement, there will be some form of taxation

Oh you got me. 39 people don't pay taxes

You don't even know if they pay taxes. It is illegal to go to the island and encounter the locals

You don't know that, people aren't allowed to study them

Do you know for a fact they do not have a system of tribute?

Trick question, no one does

Taxes are compulsory charges that you make for public expenditure

And still, we do not know anything about their society. You are making assumptions that you cannot back up with evidence

We do not know because we aren't allowed to study the people

Just by understanding the development of human society, evidence points to some form of social organization requiring a tax/tribute system

Well, I'm gonna go to bed. Nice conversation, see yall later

Universal healthcare is certainly sustainable. Most countries do it with better success than the healthcare system we currently have

The business model of the insurance industry is to collect as much money as possible and pay out as little as it can. That is not conducive to peoples' health when your insurer makes their money by not helping you

Posadism is the memeist ideology that exists, change my mind

Communist aliens๐Ÿ˜‚

Nuclear first strike to end capitalism๐Ÿคก

Is overpopulation a great enough threat to take action against the population explosion that is occurring in India and Africa?

Communism is childish because the belief in absolute democracy is childish. It is inherently unstable and will inevitably lead to authoritarianism. Also, marx establishes a false dichotomy to describe the source of global conflict in the world which is demonstrably false if you have ever left your house and experienced the world

Does anyone know of any active Right Wing organizations in the Chicago area? I'm trying to get involved politically but the only groups I know of are TPUSA and YAL, but they are too libertarian for me.
I'm mostly looking for contacts so that we can collectively organize in the Chicagoland area

A few groypers and I are gonna hit Matt Walsh at UW Milwaukee later this month, do you guys have any suggestions for what I should ask him?

2020-09-21 20:43:29 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

WTF just happend

Dislike the stream

Don't spread it on Twitter. That would open the door for infiltrators

If you're in HS, your teacher may like a dissident viewpoint backed up with evidence.

Just dont show your true power level and be ready to back up anything you say

Great content from John Doyle

I wish i could be there boys. Keep us updated

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