
Discord ID: 298599484584099841

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@zmf55 theres a reason for that and it isnt necessarily your fault

This is why I'm saying this ... the way jews feel about Hitler is the same way blacks feel about white people. We arent saying you, as an individual are racist, its ... your skin color is our hitler moustache. It's what we hate because it represents a century's amount of systematic racism and oppression. The way your skin color has what my favorite comedian paul Mooney would call "the complexion for the protection of neglection."

It's hard to have a conversation about race with white people because it's a matter of white people having to step into the mind of the everyday black person.

But I'll also say this ...

There are white people that also struggle the same way black people struggle due to CLASSISM.

In my opinion, the same white people are responsible for racism they are also responsible for class inequality.

Like there are poor white neighborhoods, but they tend to be hidden from the national spotlight more in favor for the poor black neighborhood.

You can say that but it is what it is

Ay I'm neither racist or sexist nor a bigot, I hate everyone equally.

@Send_Noodles?? black people have a goddamn good reason to be racist tho. 4+ centuries years worth of reasons ... I try to look at shit down the middle but black people are so goddamn loyal and yet we are so much like less than pieces of shit. Black people should be flying planes into white people's neighborhoods but we dont. That's not to say that the black community doesnt have problems but how are black people treated like shit in the 21st century? And no disrespect to @Cobra Commander ... but how are the jews protected so much more than blacks? A congresswoman was damn near thrown out for comments that people interpreted as anti-semitic. Meanwhile old white congressman can say and do some racist shit towards blacks and that shit is swept right under the rug?

African Americans

@Send_Noodles?? you say the holocaust but then why cant black people have the same protection because of slavery?

@Send_Noodles?? but then blacks we getting hung, hooked on to cars and dragged, burned alive, and beaten loooooong after slavery ... so what's the excuse?

What nazi is killing Jews in the 2lst century? Other than in Pittsburgh.

@Cobra Commander no one is saying all white people did that.

@zmf55 I told you why you are hated ... not saying it's wrong or right

@Send_Noodles?? but then you're also trying to tell me that because of that, jews get the protection?

@Cobra Commander nope. But that's not what's in question.

@Soup Can Sam if you kill a jew it's a hate crime, you kill a black person, *crickets*

Asian discrimination? What is that?! Lol

White people are tremendous hypocrites

@Cobra Commander yea, I cant admit it tho

White people take shit, recycle it and say it their's.

@Cobra Commander not saying you are, you're race is.

Every race in some form or fashion has some hypocrisy.

@Das Kramleslaf I totally fucking agree with you.

White people do alot of "what about-ing"

When we talk about a specific point you have to add in something to make your point seem valid ... you add something that's not in question.

@Soup Can Sam but I'm not adding anything, I'm staying right on subject.

We were talking about jews and white people and you brought up muslims for some reason.

Muslims are assholes just like all the rest.

I go into a corner store owned by muslims and they stare at you and look at you in cameras like you are about to steal some shit. Now how can that be the case but it's drastically different are the local bodega owned by Hispanics?

I'm treated waaaaay differently at a Hispanic owned corner store than one owned by muslims.

2019-10-14 13:19:59 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  


So this is what trump stands by nowadays?

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