
Discord ID: 696485809389568000

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2020-04-10 15:57:29 UTC [The Goon Crew #memes]

2020-04-10 15:58:46 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Hello there

2020-04-10 15:59:43 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Oh yes spicy memes

2020-04-10 16:00:46 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Also the pawn shop has no aks but does has saiga 12s though

2020-04-10 17:02:34 UTC [The Goon Crew #memes]

2020-04-10 20:08:33 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  


2020-04-10 20:10:49 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

*I'm not sure who you're talking to*

2020-04-10 20:11:23 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Oh yea I'm new

2020-04-10 20:12:52 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

For memes

2020-04-10 20:14:15 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I know I've been scrolling through them I didn't think I would find one better than the one i found with the o brother reference then i seen one with hank hill

2020-04-10 20:20:21 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Is there one for georgia

2020-04-10 20:21:47 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

And there boog boys correct

2020-04-10 20:25:23 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Aesthetics just cause I prefer the ak over the ar

2020-04-10 20:27:35 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Yea I understand also mobrez for my bolt gun brothers of course

2020-04-10 20:29:05 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

It's cool my dude main thing is we all agree that our 2nd shouldn't be infringed

2020-04-10 20:33:37 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Not gonna lie I always did enjoy the m1 carbine with the under folder

2020-04-10 20:34:04 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I mean hi point does have the yeet cannon

2020-04-10 20:34:10 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  


2020-04-10 20:35:56 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

*confused screaming*

2020-04-10 20:37:56 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Mp 40

2020-04-10 20:39:05 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I fooking love the stg44

2020-04-10 20:39:47 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

This is true 10/10 would boog again ign

2020-04-10 20:41:24 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Truth be told I'll be doing the shotgun boogaloo

2020-04-10 20:42:28 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Yeet cannon, cheap cigarettes, toilet paper

2020-04-10 20:43:19 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Yeet cannon is made by hi point

2020-04-10 20:44:12 UTC [The Goon Crew #memes]

2020-04-10 20:44:41 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Nah it's the best handgun ever made <:Goon:695477345695563827>

2020-04-10 20:45:15 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Yea me to

2020-04-10 20:45:43 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Nah sig p226 is best at least for me I have weird size hands

2020-04-10 20:46:12 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I know lol

2020-04-10 20:47:01 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Have you held either one

2020-04-10 20:49:05 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Hmmm I dunno what tell you man

2020-04-10 20:52:10 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  


2020-04-10 20:53:39 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Awww *sad fudd tears*

2020-04-10 20:54:45 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I just gonna put a different set of grips on mine

2020-04-10 20:56:32 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Damn man I'm sad now cause I actually like my 1911

2020-04-10 21:03:59 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Its basically a ak so yea I get it

2020-04-10 22:06:39 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

*me laughing in my medical t34 tank*

2020-04-10 23:01:00 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I mean the m16 ran just fine during military testing back in the Vietnam days but when it was put onto the field soldiers faced numerous malfunctions with the gun. My point being you can't really use military testing as a way to judge whether a gun is good or not.

2020-04-10 23:03:42 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

So being under fire, muddy terrain, etc had nothing to do with it gotcha

2020-04-10 23:06:53 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Which fell back onto the manufacturer's for not properly training them in how to keep the weapon clean

2020-04-10 23:11:08 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Look the bottom line there is no one gun whether it be a rifle, pistol, shotgun that is better than the others if there was then everyone would use that said gun for each class of gun. And we as gun community really need to stop ragging on someone that doesn't like your preferences in guns. Some like sigs, some like berrettas, some like aks, some like ars, etc. What we should be doing is banding together to keep people out of the office that want to take away our guns.

2020-04-10 23:14:47 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I was using that as a reference point because it was stated that beretta fired 19k rounds with no malfunctions during military testing therefore it's better than a sig which led me to saying that military testing shouldn't be the sole example for choosing a firearm and using the m16 as reference point

2020-04-10 23:23:26 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Look there both good guns but fact is most people buying a handgun aren't looking to put 19k plus rounds through them the general mindset is for self defense

2020-04-10 23:26:46 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Anywho I'm going back to boogaloo memes

2020-04-10 23:31:49 UTC [The Goon Crew #memes]

2020-04-10 23:31:56 UTC [The Goon Crew #memes]

2020-04-10 23:33:57 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  


2020-04-10 23:34:03 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Why you ask

2020-04-10 23:35:45 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Neato *also tfw "neato" autocorrects to "NATO" in all caps*

2020-04-10 23:37:52 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Nah blunderbuss

2020-04-10 23:38:53 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

But can you fire nails out of it while looking like blackbeard himself I THINK NOT

2020-04-10 23:40:28 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Thots have flamethrowers?!? Mother of God

2020-04-10 23:41:01 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Oh I thought... nevermind

2020-04-10 23:41:31 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Oh thank God

2020-04-10 23:45:12 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Pretty good at work now

2020-04-11 00:11:00 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

@cantinflas nah man there's other georgia boogaloo bois on here

2020-04-11 02:46:33 UTC [The Goon Crew #firearms]  

Woman?!?! *confused caveman grunts*

2020-04-11 03:06:29 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Nice rig

2020-04-11 03:09:00 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Something I was wondering is it possible to get the old school triangle handguard for the ar

2020-04-11 03:09:44 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  


2020-04-11 03:10:18 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Damn no after market versions of it

2020-04-11 03:11:16 UTC [The Goon Crew #firearms]  

That's a possum boah!

2020-04-11 03:12:05 UTC [The Goon Crew #firearms]  

That's it I'm getting me mallet

2020-04-11 03:13:29 UTC [The Goon Crew #firearms]  

I'm getting me medical homemade flamethrower <:Goon:695477345695563827>

2020-04-11 03:14:00 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I do not

2020-04-11 03:15:23 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

So what fields do you reside in I myself reside in the peanut fields mf

2020-04-11 03:15:54 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Fucking mint

2020-04-11 03:17:03 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Yeah I'm lead farmer mf!

2020-04-11 03:18:49 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Have seen tropic thunder

2020-04-11 03:22:46 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I see I said peanuts cause we got a lot peanuts down here and cotton and onions come to think of it I don't even know why georgia is called the peach state I've never even seen a peach field

2020-04-11 04:16:20 UTC [The Goon Crew #firearms]  

I like guns <:Goon:695477345695563827>

2020-04-11 04:26:08 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Steak is pretty good

2020-04-11 04:38:28 UTC [The Goon Crew #firearms]  

Is that the fabled one Brandon herra

2020-04-11 05:04:54 UTC [The Goon Crew #firearms]  


2020-04-11 05:06:21 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I always wanted to live in new Mexico nice country

2020-04-11 05:07:18 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I mean the desert part you know away from people

2020-04-11 05:08:57 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

That always bothers me north Dakota south Dakota north Carolina south Carolina

2020-04-11 05:09:58 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Just have one big state

2020-04-11 05:10:24 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Why though

2020-04-11 05:10:48 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Why have two versions of the same state

2020-04-11 05:13:09 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I want to know how the Democrats went from fdr to Joe Biden the fuck happened to them

2020-04-11 05:14:46 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Hell of lot better than a alzheimer patient that doesn't know where the fuck he is half the time

2020-04-11 05:15:08 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  


2020-04-11 05:15:28 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Alzheimer patient=joe Biden

2020-04-11 05:16:59 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Whatcha trying to say that this Christian Minecraft discord server is illegal to be in

2020-04-11 05:18:28 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

We use our time to play Minecraft and send bibles overseas

2020-04-11 05:19:39 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I hate hot pockets at least my bowels hate them

2020-04-11 05:20:17 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Cause they give me the shits

2020-04-11 05:20:24 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Not a fun time

2020-04-11 07:09:42 UTC [The Goon Crew #memes]

2020-04-11 10:59:26 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Good morning Vietnam!

2020-04-11 11:00:23 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

I dunno what that means

2020-04-11 12:35:46 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Alright then

2020-04-11 23:41:40 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  


2020-04-11 23:43:17 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  


2020-04-12 00:30:27 UTC [The Goon Crew #memes]

2020-04-12 02:03:55 UTC [The Goon Crew #memes]

2020-04-12 02:09:22 UTC [The Goon Crew #survival]  

Thoughts on ham radios

2020-04-12 04:32:38 UTC [The Goon Crew #general]  

Meme loadout: stg44, broomhandle mauser, and fuck ton of cheese balls

132 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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