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2020-04-07 21:32:32 UTC

Alright here is a channel to post any questions about survival techniques

2020-04-07 21:36:38 UTC

awesome. this channel should be fun. you know of any good rope tying laminated guides that can be taken in a pack? i know some knots and uses for them, but i might get stuck forgetting one or need to do one i haven't done before

2020-04-07 21:53:21 UTC

like a book or something you can use?

2020-04-07 21:53:36 UTC

honestly there are fewer things that i can recommend more than the boy scout handbook

2020-04-07 21:53:58 UTC

iโ€™m pretty sure you can get it in a laminated something, and at the very least, thereโ€™s book covers galore for it

2020-04-07 21:54:07 UTC

Us army sere handbook

2020-04-07 21:59:23 UTC

I wasnโ€™t even talking ab just that I mean bare survival

2020-04-07 21:59:35 UTC

Like snares hunting foraging

2020-04-07 21:59:38 UTC

Sere handbook has a ton of it

2020-04-07 22:09:08 UTC

unfortunately not in the scout book lmao

2020-04-07 22:20:34 UTC

thanks. i'll search for the boy scout book @DeetSkythe404 , and i'll look into the SERE book @EliteBeret

2020-04-07 22:21:07 UTC

snares would be very useful knowledge. i hunt, but i haven't created snares. i really want to try it sometime

2020-04-07 22:21:24 UTC

There is some good deadfall stuff you can buy that are flat

2020-04-07 22:21:31 UTC

Put em in your pack and forget abt them

2020-04-07 22:21:38 UTC

@John Cavil the scout book is free online as a PDF so donโ€™t sweat that

2020-04-07 22:21:41 UTC

is "deadfall" an official term?

2020-04-07 22:21:56 UTC


2020-04-07 22:22:01 UTC

Whatโ€™s official

2020-04-07 22:22:22 UTC

like do i google for "deadfall survival book" lol

2020-04-07 22:22:35 UTC

I was talking abt something else

2020-04-07 22:23:03 UTC

Deer sky was talking about some survival book, and I just said you can look up a deadfall trap or how to make them. Theyโ€™re fairly easy

2020-04-07 22:27:23 UTC

future survival plan: our baby is going into boy scouts. wife is onboard

2020-04-07 23:47:48 UTC

the scout handbook contains very useful information survival information, i kept mine even after quitting

2020-04-07 23:49:31 UTC

@John Cavil i canโ€™t recommend it enough. if your kid becomes an eagle scout and wants to join the military, they instantly get the rank of E-3 upon enlistment.

2020-04-07 23:55:57 UTC

I was literally about to do my project and I have to cancel it because of Corona since itโ€™s on my school campus and Iโ€™m pissed.

2020-04-07 23:56:37 UTC

how long do you have till you turn eighteen? natโ€™l council is approving a shitload of extensions for all kinds of deadlines

2020-04-07 23:56:47 UTC

you could definitely push it back and be just fine

2020-04-07 23:57:27 UTC

2 years but I wanted to get out of scouts since the girls have joined. Theyโ€™ve ruined the principles of it

2020-04-07 23:57:48 UTC

you know girls have been in scouts since โ€˜98 right

2020-04-07 23:57:58 UTC

I mean in actual troops

2020-04-07 23:58:03 UTC

Not venturing

2020-04-07 23:58:21 UTC

the only thing they changed was allowing girls to have separate patrols and troops so that they could get eagle

2020-04-07 23:58:49 UTC

Umm. They literally camp with us eat with us I have 2 in my patrol

2020-04-07 23:58:59 UTC

okay so thatโ€™s um

2020-04-07 23:59:10 UTC

literally against the rules set by national council

2020-04-07 23:59:19 UTC

Well idk what to tell you

2020-04-07 23:59:32 UTC

idk what to say thatโ€™s straight up not the way itโ€™s supposed to be

2020-04-07 23:59:36 UTC

Iโ€™m getting my eagle and dipping

2020-04-07 23:59:47 UTC

They can figure that out

2020-04-07 23:59:49 UTC

yeah iโ€™d say get out of that troop ASAP

2020-04-07 23:59:58 UTC

As soon as Iโ€™m eagle

2020-04-08 00:00:25 UTC

okay one thing

2020-04-08 00:00:44 UTC

at your final eagle board, theyโ€™re probably gonna ask you whether youโ€™re cool with girls being in scouts

2020-04-08 00:01:04 UTC

i donโ€™t know whether that question determines whether youโ€™ll get the rank or whether itโ€™s just an opinion thing but like

2020-04-08 00:01:09 UTC

iโ€™d tread carefully there

2020-04-08 00:01:30 UTC

Iโ€™ll say I donโ€™t mind except that they are fully integrated with my patrol

2020-04-08 00:01:38 UTC


2020-04-08 00:01:52 UTC

Iโ€™m 16 and they are like 12

2020-04-08 00:01:57 UTC

Itโ€™s not cool at all

2020-04-08 00:01:57 UTC

so thatโ€™s bad

2020-04-08 00:02:05 UTC

I donโ€™t even go camping anymore

2020-04-08 00:02:11 UTC

probably for the best

2020-04-08 00:02:20 UTC

They are the blue hair type

2020-04-08 00:02:32 UTC

band kids-

2020-04-08 00:02:41 UTC


2020-04-08 00:02:46 UTC


2020-04-08 00:03:14 UTC

i went to the world jamboree this last summer in west virginia and ohhhhhh my god. every other country let girls and guys sleep in the same tent regardless of age as long as they both consented

2020-04-08 00:03:26 UTC


2020-04-08 00:03:28 UTC

didnโ€™t matter if they were 17 and 11

2020-04-08 00:03:32 UTC


2020-04-08 00:03:45 UTC

that and they handed out condoms for free lmao

2020-04-08 00:03:48 UTC

I was there. I slept one night with my contingent

2020-04-08 00:04:12 UTC

oh shit rlly? were you there for bear grylls

2020-04-08 00:04:39 UTC

Nope. Just bunked with other countries. They didnโ€™t care. Itโ€™s was pretty epic

2020-04-08 00:05:02 UTC

Mostly polish or norwiegan

2020-04-08 00:05:06 UTC

polish troops walked in with maga hats and the brazilian scouts were suspected of dealing coke

2020-04-08 00:05:26 UTC

dutch british and australian scouts were the funniest

2020-04-08 00:05:33 UTC

I love the pols. Iโ€™m part polish so

2020-04-08 00:05:40 UTC

the italians and swedes went skinny dipping

2020-04-08 00:05:45 UTC

i joined em

2020-04-08 00:05:52 UTC

i didnโ€™t skinny dip tho

2020-04-08 00:06:24 UTC

It was pretty fun.

2020-04-08 00:06:34 UTC

I had the time of my life

2020-04-08 00:06:46 UTC

good stuff my guy

2020-04-08 00:06:49 UTC

good stuff

2020-04-08 00:07:04 UTC

Well sounds like you had fun too

2020-04-08 00:07:09 UTC

i did indeed

2020-04-08 00:07:27 UTC

in much the same way i believe

2020-04-08 00:07:38 UTC


2020-04-08 00:08:56 UTC

i remember at the closing ceremony they had to sweep the stage every ten minutes bc people were blowing the condoms into balloons and throwing them at the speaker

2020-04-08 00:09:07 UTC

there was a fucking mosh pit at one of the base camps

2020-04-08 00:10:07 UTC

Damn. Well I didnโ€™t go to that. I helped another contingent read the packages of the free stuff

2020-04-08 00:10:19 UTC

If your picking up what Iโ€™m putting down

2020-04-08 00:10:25 UTC

i am indeed

2020-04-08 00:10:33 UTC

nice work my friend

2020-04-08 00:10:43 UTC

You too my guy.

2020-04-08 00:10:49 UTC

hey man

2020-04-08 00:10:55 UTC


2020-04-08 00:10:57 UTC

itโ€™s the fourteenth point of the scout law

2020-04-08 00:11:02 UTC

a scout is horny

2020-04-08 00:11:24 UTC

Itโ€™s fuck clean Iโ€™m horny. Thatโ€™s what my troop says ๐Ÿคฃ

2020-04-08 00:11:56 UTC

We used to be all hs guys and we got Into so much trouble so high. And the deepest convos

2020-04-08 00:12:13 UTC

shit gets weird when youโ€™re camping man

2020-04-08 00:13:14 UTC

Yeah. We were camping with another troop. My cousin was their spl and he convinced one kid to smoke lachit straight grass and the other lit his hair on fire

2020-04-08 02:35:28 UTC

solid lmao

2020-04-08 18:08:26 UTC

2020-04-08 18:56:42 UTC

What will be your guys sustainable source of food in the long term SHTF situation?

2020-04-08 18:58:08 UTC

I know how to farm

2020-04-08 18:58:23 UTC

So Iโ€™ll grab seeds before I head out

2020-04-08 18:59:20 UTC

iโ€™ve done some basic agricultural work here and there, though certainly not as much as kvltvre

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