John Jehovah Johanson

Discord ID: 373160837151719424

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are any of u religious here

what religion

if I don't mind me asking

I'm Eastern Orthodox Christian

I've never heard much about it

I think all religions are good regardless of the God , it Installs God morals

Sorry my English isn't so good really

ok first of all yes , yes it does , I have read the Quran

Give me where it says any of that in the Quran now

The people who do those terrorist acts are wrong yes but also use religion to justify there actions

All of the holy books are out dated Be there old yes

Not even that it has been changed beyond count

From mons to monk

People people wanted to influence the masses

I don agree with that notion

I'm talking about hundreds of years ago my friend

I'm simply having a discussion

Well how many more are there

I agree

what about sexuality

3 bi straight and gay

that's my stance

no gay is a real thing I can't imagine liking penis TBH so it must me real

But wouldn't u like to know why u do tho

Who cares

Shimmy is fine by me tbh

shimmy , what do u think it is

I don't thin it can be taught

I swear I just Wana have a serious conversation

That's horrible

Mr blue why is it a horrible thing g

It doesn't affect u

Shimmy ur better than him stop

TBH I don't care if ur gay or not , as long as I can have a reasonably serious conversation with u ur good in my book.

people are people and should be judged as such ,by there character



UK there was a guy back in the 40s who did that very thing started with an a .....adolf

Mr blue , what does it do I'd anything it gives me more girls to fuck

U not me

UK what I mean

Just eleminate the competition

By making them fuck each other

Not he girl u want

insults do nothing

gays have been part of society since the Greeks

It's not normal no but it's not a thing that should be charged with death

So people who are gay are menace to society for being gay but in retrospect you think it's all right to hurt and mistreat human beings

You can't zap the Gay of somebody Buddy

If someone put you in electric chair and said turn gay that would work

Yes if I dissected a gay person and compared it to the normal human anatomy they are proved to be humans

Can you give me a bullet point reasons why homosexuals don't have the right to be human what is like you exactly reason because people are people regardless of what they do in their beds

The mind that you were preaching is over three centuries old there are people they're not animals they're not harming you if it was a full-on revolt or Rebellion then two different story but it's not it's just a peaceful movement with a few toxic members not all of them are toxic doesn't matter

Shimmy with all due respect I personally do not think homosexuality is normal but I accept everyone's life choices and I also think that anyone is a perfect person as long as they have two things compassion and reason

And yeah Leonardo da Vinci was gay so he bought a bunch of Innovations did the table

Purchase was the wrong word

Perfect is the wrong word

Yes but there's a small part of society and I agree that is ridiculous is that things have gotten to that point

Homosexual is not a synonym for animal homosexual just means they're not heterosexual that's the only difference I mean I understand when it pisses me off that they act like they do as in they act like women and have that elongated voice but I think I'm their people and don't deserve to be subjected to horrible treatment as if they were animals in pens or the Jews in the 1940s I think it's appalling that anyone in this century sinks this way and sexy wario I think that you agree with me that people are people and they have their basic rights just like it says in the Constitution that's the First amendment freedom of expression

I think we should just leave the kids alone they're not harming anybody the more attention we give the more toxic it will get because they keep pushing the envelope more and more and more if we don't concern ourselves with the issues of their side it goes away it's gotten like that forever

Yes but Jews and gays are still both people

The anatomy of a homosexual male and the straight male is entirely the same

They all have 206 bones they all have penis they all have manly features there are identical except in the brain

Come out is the metaphor that you use because they're scared of society my opinion please because people like you who believe they should be tortured in gulags is a lot of ever gets past you're no better than the people in the middle East

Because if you want loss like that that condemn people to death because they're gay you should live in Arabia

What's DS that people are put to death in radio

So what another autistic people

A logical reason why gay people have no rights why not because they're not normal a what

Under us law what is the crime they committed

That is a matter of opinion there was nowhere in any lost here that says that. Is illegal in fact there is a law that says gay marriage is legal so therefore what you're saying is unconstitutional

Gay marriage is legal

Gay marriages legal in all states now because it went to the federal system

I'm not insulting each other it's childish just have a regular discussion

Going down to their level is not making you better than them it's making you worse

This is pathetic that we cannot but we have a regular conversation

Roland cool I don't fucking care turn on bandera. I know you're trolling I mean I wanted to have a legitimate discussion so you guys wanted to burn keys at the stake like we didn't 1500

Politics not really a joke politics are pretty serious

And yes rolling I'm using a voice type on my Google pixel so I can't spell everything

show me a group you on that I think we should have a system more like Germany where each party has X-amount of members in according to the party so let's say I have 5% Green Party 5% of 100 in descent do you understand

Not into sent in the Senate

But on the other hand are also people and people with mental illnesses don't deserve death and other things such as fat

Murder is still murder and discrimination is lithosphere Nation so discriminating somebody who was homosexual is the equivalent of discriminating somebody for their race or for their religion prejudice is prejudice it'll never die so hopefully we can suppress it and I'm still waiting for a legitimate reason why the gays should be put to death or tortured If U seek rehabilitation that would be great yes they do perfect I think it's nice to have Rehabilitation rehabilitation centers but on the other hand we shouldn't be forced into it because pro-choice as in the freedom of expression in speech according to the First amendment our bear Bill of Rights that is the very foundation of our nation shall not be infringed upon

Shimmy I believe that gender and sex are the same they are used interchangeably they are therefore synonyms in the English language and unless you could find a word that describes what you were talking about then we will accept it but gender and sexuality excuse me sex are the same thing

whats the arguement

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