mexican seafood

Discord ID: 482306981735039007

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<:yus:538083968881524747> <:yus:538083968881524747>

2019-04-27 01:40:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

If trumps retarded and you know it clap your hands ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

2019-05-10 11:57:39 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]

that's really fuckin offensive christ

probably talking about me lol

i don't really care lmao

i'm a dude

i'm white lol

holy b รซ รฅ รฑ

straight up this is the most entertainment i've had all week


i literally don't know anybody here lol

since when the hell do i have a pan pour on discord

i'm a white dude who doesn't like ariana grande lmao

that's a nirvana song lol





@Deleted User yeah i'm a lesbian dude


@Naxxi id like that ๐Ÿ˜‰


lmao willow getting more sex then all of y'all

sorry i'm kidding






quick respond with no u



we won mr stark

ladies and gentlemen and other non gender specific humans, we got em

let's just zen... the argument is over man


that's the meditating thing i could do

why is there no yoga emoji

my mans wants the benis i guess

straight up just laughed so hard at that

yeah what the hell happened to this being a politics server lol

in the beginning the world was made,
this has made many people angry, and is widely regarded as a bad move

my dad is jewish and my mom is christian (episcopalian,) and i'm like halfway atheist.

dude buddhism is the best religion and you can't change my mind. you just like, sit under pear trees

bro you're the only one still talking in this chat lmao

i mean i guess

no one is here to debate you so...

i think that people can believe whatever they want and that you shouldn't be forced to believe something or do something unless not doing it dangers others. an example is vaccinations

you guys stink at this

you don't know the "creeper, awww mannn..."?


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