
Discord ID: 488133950368120832

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We need to implement equal pay and make rich people pay more taxes to give to poor people

2019-10-09 03:29:55 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Weโ€™re all equally garbage

The boomers fucked is all over

Anyone who makes less then 10k a year, and use the taxes to benefit our society as a whole, fixing infrastructure, things like that, and then we give out what is left equally back to everyone in the society @Shockwave

Iโ€™m dating a senior bro, trust me, I had to work for that shit cause I took too long

Hoco is bs

At my school we have to pay 70 dollars

So your reverse asexual

Wait we talking about hs or college

Bruh freshman are annoying


Itโ€™s annoying when freshman chicks are dating senior guys

Itโ€™s weird

Iโ€™m a sophomore with a senior, but weโ€™re together for like emotional support, like we have depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies and anorexia

Valeria no Kap you seem chill

Or drama

And this server is getting muted๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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