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NO its totally true.. !!!! i

i only moved out here last year..... this sort of stuff doesnt happen in the indie side of stuff. becuase no one has money, no one has power, the first second anyone acts like a creep. everyone will call them out on it.. but being out here. and hearing wispers and rumors...this is a whole different world for me.

absolutely not.. not out here. i keep my mouth shut around everyone ...becuase no one would believe me or or in on it

DB is only in the early stages of looking at the bigger picture... its ok. he'll dig deeper than the zionists.....hopefully.

right library ..wrong book...

thats like saying all christians are like west Burrough Baptsist...

thats getting into a whole other conspiracy theory malik.......

ok..6am comes too soon... gotta doo the sleep thing

just got home from work ! and a new Q post !

no youtube videos here shrry0000

people can post videos , but as long as you dont spam a ton of videos in a row in here

thru dustin nemos channel ? or from somewhere else ?

i dont think Q's any of those guys we would know by name

i think its better if we dont ever find out who he is.

@Dustin Nemos not sure if you've ever watched Her channel, but aside from being very funny with an animated cat, her information is really good. she posted this today. and it's covering browered county. but very interesting as its a different case all together. check it out.. interesting info i havent seen anyone else touch on

Q did say the deeper the rabbit hole gets, its all going to be so unbelievable unreal to most people. i just hope this isnt another psycop like flat earth, so at the end of this.. all of us end up looking like total nutters. .. just a thought.

has Q stopped posting ? ive been working out of state all week with no internet other than my phone. so many people pulled from youtube, kinda scary the amount of censorship ...

corsi is gone too ? shit , they claim its all anyone talking about crisis actors, but really look who's gone , anyone researching Q really

@Dustin Nemos i havent heard of that guy, but im sure all the info in his book can be found online if you look hard enough. thats a whole other rabbit hole you should go down. save yourself 60 bucks at least.

Q says some of the drops are misleading on purpose. not so much for us, but for the sniffers we are the only ones reading the crumbs

also he says the bigger truth is probably going to be so unbelievable for most people. like straight up matrix/ or david icke sorta stuff.

why am i blocked from typing in the stenography chat ?

sweet UrbanMoving is here too !~ you got a ban as well right ?

youtube back peddling ?

@Dustin Nemos do you think you'll get your orginal channel back or just stick with the new youtube channel , and keep the vimeo going ?

you dont have to lurk

thank goodness i moved out of floriduh finally

where did the lurker board go ?

did a post just vanish ?

what was the dad guy, i had just started reading it..then it was gone lol

i was like ..uh, ?

@SirW00f totally kitten giving out the redpil. Her channel is awesome ! watch some of her videos ...

not enough cats and puppies delivering red pill info . we might be doomed.

clowns in america perform at the circus

dont judge me because i follow her channel. and i love her approach. she has some really good information. told in a funny snarky way.. an animated cat. but this is her latest video on youtube/google censorship , and the ADL its fun, but she gets very serious and to the point with her info. its only 12 minutes. also go back to her older videos. she gets very heavy into seth rich ..

@LemonyFresh i love really graceful and truthstream channels. always great info.

thanks for the heads up sniper. didnt know i was on.

worse case look at the html and hand type the link to the video . i think we are going to see and hear a lot more about this type of technology in the coming weeks.

and because of that some people still think JA has been 187'd , hes done interviews but many people think they are faked. ......

black stone is a great channel. good info there on vegas.

but where is there ?

definitely looks like CNN was trying to send a message. to play the JFK think while trump was doing his rally. .. no coincidences

today was insane !!! Q was on fire !

tomorrow is the 11th... supposedly things start getting big tomorrow

i saw the 11:11. but i think everythying is pointing to arrests starting on march 11th

@Dustin Nemos ive been trying all week to sign up with steemit. on my laptop....over 4 days i still got nothing..... i'll hold out as i know its not youtube.... but i got nothing yet

blkmamba, not sure , hopefully one of the mods can help, i know some things have recently been unlocked for all to go into

probably curious girl .. there is some kinda ick going around once again.

@Watershed are you refering to the vault as in the 7 vaults of wikileaks ? or actual vaults beneath the vatican ? either way.... lol im sure there is a ton of historical documents predating christianty. digging deep into ancient civilazations we are not being told about.

oh no ! lionel too ?

if that is where Q is leading us. man that will change history.. she was born in 54 ? .he died in 45 ? ....hmmmmm. kinda makes you wonder. did he escape to antartica ?

@Dustin Nemos listening to your video about chrissy teigen and chelse clinton ... was digging.. do you know about this ? .. apparently chelse is a client .. among others ..

wow ... just wow @Romans 6 you pulled that out of the tiny Q pic ?

was on fire yesterday !

@Dustin Nemos not sure if its a gimick. (and they really just serve high dollar steaks) but. apparently it has a very strict list of elite people who are excepted into the cannibal club. Chelsea is one of the members. and i cannot find an actual address, there was another restaurant in culver city california called The Cannibal Butcher and Bar. but its closed down now, a few weeks ago .

trying to dig for more info. if anyone in interested in helping me find anything on it and who else may have attended or been part of the club ...

there is this place but it litterally closed down a few weeks ago

near as i can tell the one that closed down was a just a fancy steak house

@svizzy svizzy, i was looking for a video today. but can't remember the manes name, he was a post office worker, who ran into a teen named Barry , what he was going by in collage. and was told the young Obummer was a foreign exchange student. and later found out he was groomed to be a comunistt, and told the guy one day he would be president . i cant find this video. but it merges into what everything about the worse problem than the nazis..being the globalizations of communisim

YESSSS DOUG !!! good find ! hollywood elite ! and chelsea !

Doug, unfortunately.i dont trust most of the stories that come off that website. they claim all kinds of cannibalisim in the hollywood elite. ...but maybe they know something. ? they've had stories i n the past about keanu reeves seeing babies being eaten. and Macaulay Culkin saw producers wearing shoes made of baby leather. some of the stuff seems just too ridiculous to be true

different video but thats the guy

is that Jerome Corsi ?

there is more connected to this story. somewhere, i want to say someone else, unconnected to this guy, was at a party either in germany or russia, and the wife house had a few too many drinks, and said something about how they were grooming him to become a communist, it wasnt the family who took in him.. but they were either russian or german political family. that the guy being interviewed was at .

dammit rocking my brain.

but all of this ties into what @svizzi was saying

i remember hearing a few days ago something big was happening today. maybe its something big happening behind the scenes and not out in the open.

interesting ...

im assuming julian is still alive. even tho there really hasnt been credible proof of life. some weird videos... after oct. 16th...but.... all on video. Q thinks he's still alive so . im assuming he is ?

please do not post that here. not warranted

post a link i'll watch it !

found it on one of the other groups, watching it now the one about thoth right ?

youtube or d tube ?

holy cow ! thats a lot of blood to lose !

assuming everything is all right now ?

helicopter ride and all ! wow

so what have i missed today ?!!

are they being paid more money ? hush money ?

the family has been fishing from the begining

his brother is in on it.

hush money is better than being killed

Racket, where did you go to print that that size at ?

do they make prints that big at kinkos ? hell, do kinkos still exist ? haha

i love that recording. 50 years ago and its no less true now than it was then.

was just looking that up this afternoon Mr.white.

suppsoedly everyone here says the second map has been altered., i have both versions. overlayed on top of each other a few days ago in photoshop. so i could find the changes. not sure if he made the first map, or only altered the second map. ..

should i post the photo of both maps over layed ? i think the map has only been updated. not falsified as the recent additions just seem to be equally as relevant.

i wanted to add him. he posted a high rez of the first map. so im assuming he made both maps

@Dustin Nemos your link shows up not found ?

thats the side of fence ive been on QuietKid, trump is linked to the jesuits. that is its own dark scary digging. ... as well he is also of the same royal bloodlines as HRC.. ( not kidding ) the only people to ever be presidents are of a short list of royal bloodlines. ... but i'm holding out, that trump may actually be one of the white hats. maybe this is all in the planning ? for something better ?

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