D man

Discord ID: 424923904864288769

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@Robdon077 neat find. Just joined their discord. Good stuff.

@Robdon077 seems to fit the overall arch. Never understood the why behind the cabals/ deep states actions.

Just read that...

Neon revolt

Their website has an invite link.

A lot of great stuff on that site.

Just found this discord last week. New...but old.

@Robdon077 they (cabal) have exposed themselves a LOT recently. It's amazing really.

@AtoZagain @Robdon077 and how many Hollyweirdos have loudly voiced their support for the cabal.

@AtoZagain @Robdon077 exactly. My life is simpler not watching their garbage. And but using products that promote their agenda either.

I remember the audacious attitude the supporters had. The msm. Hollywood.

@Robdon077 @AtoZagain the best part? They STILL believe they are winning

@drummindj how does my bro get to the other rooms?

Theories on pedo/power? Is the pedo world a get people involved, blackmail them, when they support and put in (ie feed more children, get others involved), let them have more power?

Similar to the ๐Ÿ’ฐ power. Thoughts?

Me too. So far. But @AtoZagain but the invite is in his page. Oh well!

@AtoZagain @AtoZagain

"What is a QRS11 Chip?ย 

The QRS is part of a "Family" of Gyro-chips. They range from the early QRS11 and include QRS116, QRS14, QRS28.ย 
As you will see, this QRS chip has been installed in basically anything that moves which requires any type of gyro-stabilisation or orientation. As you can see from the image above the QRS11 chip and its MILITARY capabilities are guarded and Boeing was found selling it within their planes to China.ย "

This is the chip you're talking about?

Is this the current "war act" being played out?


Q said to watch Google/Twitter/etc. This is part of the reason. When Trump was running for Republican nomination I would type "Trump" and nothing but negative would come up.

This is going to be proven and Google will be in trouble for election fraud.

@futureuncertain#8113 wow

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