Kakashi Hatake はたけカカシ

Discord ID: 464703246204796929

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Gibby will take over by 2020

Bow down to your future fuhrer

I didn’t abandon it compadre, it fell apart

Say sorry papi javi or else

Me no understando

Fajita Friday!!!!!!!

Anyone want a taco

Do you sì what I sì

Can you jere what I jere

I feel like a sad Mexican

Someone say.... Mexico?

Imagine having military time

I want to see Mexican lesbian

A chica is a chica if you ask me

Ping me when Angie is on, me want Latina chica

Mexican not Mexicant

Real trip you wanna be gay for me like the other trip

Nah that’s Puerto Ricans

Look at dat flick of the wrist

I turn her straight

It’s Mexican not Mexicant

I Mexi**can** make a lesbian love me

Hello fellow Mexican

Should I join vc

Angie pls marry me

Qué pasa amigos

Angie are you Mexican

I’m more of a chimichanga fan

Us Mexicans don’t have favorites, we all enjoy Mexican food

In 9th grade I was made janitor

That’s my motivational speech

School is racist, they always put me at a table away from the white kids

They make us dark skinned kids sit at our own table

They even have 2 water fountains at the school, one end of the hallway is for the dark kids, the water is warm, the other one for whites is cold

Mostly white, there’s only like 5 dark skinned kids

The other Mexican kid always had to clean the class after school, after he left, it was my job

No us Mexicans build

Angie do you like chimichanga, sí?

**laughs in Spanish**

So politics huh?
Who’s your favorite Hokage

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