
Discord ID: 571157855701565461

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2020-03-14 04:49:00 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  


2020-03-14 04:55:35 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #gender-issues]  

Gender is just a spook

He would probably be disturbed by how many contradictions were normalized

Guys communism is based

Aww damn it

Yes it is

Really cool

Decentralized planning, abolition of the state, and collective ownership of the means of production

Things I like

Abolition of religion doesnโ€™t have to be forced

Also markets are cringe so I donโ€™t care

Personally yeah

But I respect your right to religion

Iโ€™m not sure what you mean by the abortion part

But most stuff yeah

Depends on conditions

Multi or mono is fine depending if it harms anyone or nor


I mean there are plenty of places that are multicultural that work in common interest

A doctor and an artist wonโ€™t have to contribute the same amount to society. But they shouldnโ€™t be separated by classes and have access to certain things that most classes donโ€™t have.

Also Iโ€™m more concerned about reaching socialism

Rather than anarchist communism



I think youโ€™re misunderstanding

Weโ€™ll give resources for people who still want to become doctors but weโ€™ll also do the same for people who want to become artists



That is true

That depends on both economic systems and culture circumstances

Which change all the time

I mean there are socialist countries that have plenty of doctors

Cuba for example has a massive surplus of doctors

So much so that instead of giving money to certain countries they give doctors instead

How Doctors Became Cuba's Biggest Export | Time

Wait yes

Wait yes

Not in Cuba

In Cuba their doctors make less than taxi drivers

Which is a problem which was made by the U.S. embargo

Let me check really quick

Let me show you another article

Since you donโ€™t trust it

Welcome to Cuba: Where Doctors Earn Less Than Taxi Drivers โ€“ Acton Institute PowerBlog

Well true communism hasnโ€™t really been tried

The people will collectively decide the decisions

What do you mean

No it doesnโ€™t appeal to the owner class or the bourgeoisie


Communism is the end goal of socialism

If youโ€™re a communist youโ€™re a socialist




Wait then go to feudalism

No not really

Not when the mode of production is changed

Cool opinion


The mode of production

Just because you donโ€™t get any money doesnโ€™t mean thereโ€™s no incentive to work

Yes they do

In a society where profit is the main concern then yes

Whatโ€™s the incentive to complete as much work as possible in this society

When paid by the hour ideally you would want to work as little as possible

You would still be helping others in a communist socialist

Because you benefit when society benefits

Wait yes you do

@Renn why not both

Most medical students who just want the money and still donโ€™t strive for work tend to drop out of the medical industry

Wait yes

Medical school is difficult to the vast majority of people

The only reason they want profits is because profits are necessary in a capitalist society

Wait yes

Wait then thatโ€™s a cultural thing

Then donโ€™t treat peopel badly for not wanting to be a doctor

Give the same respect to people outside the medical profession

Wait yes they are

Teaching for example is really respected in Finland

But this is true

I can link an article

But you were arguing that people go into the medical profession because itโ€™s a respected position

@Renn can you get into VC

Wait no

Iโ€™m proposing for the commodity mode of production to get abolished

Not that everyone will be getting paid the same

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