
Discord ID: 617403905042808834

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Just accept Biden will win

He's going to win

Don't be mad he's leading nationally

You need to accept it

He will win

i'm talkin' democrats here

Nothing will stop uncle joe

Not even zoomers

Seriously though I'm ready to see Biden get this nomination already

You know what i dont like

When someone gets angry just because there are white candidtes

Who cares!

It's a presidential race

Out of the democrats, Biden is the best

Let's be honest

Come on Cosby, you know that's going to be tough

Biden is winning already


Not against Trump...

It's a common myth biden will galvanize the older elctorate!

Bernie has generation z thats it lol

Bruh look at national polls

Wider appeal is Biden

Thanks for taking the "lets portray biden as a pedo because he's the frontrunner" bait


Dude we all implicitly know Biden is the most sensible

Even if you don't support him

Biden is shitty yet he's polling the highest nationally

That's your logic

Warren is declining now

You guys need to look at super tuesday states biden has many of them locked

Dude no

Let's be real

Socialism is a no go

That already divides the establishment and they'd never pass any legislature down in washington

So risky

So listen I like Biden because he at least is sensible about his policies

He's not over the top

Oh wow nice use of ad hominem we're discussing here

Despite all his problems he's still holding up

Dude that won't change anything about Biden's current frontrunner status

Voters just want trump out

Biden can take super pacs

AOC...Come on

Stop trying to get freshman congresswoman to do that

Bernie needs the big boy endorsements

Buttigieg has publicly said he won't back down from super pacs

And he's winning iowa

Think about it

I thought you were an SJW bernie supporter, and now you say bootygay...

Contradictory to a core premise of bernie's campaign

LGBT rights!


Lmao triggered

@Dr.Cosby I'm going to tell bernie that you insulted the LGBTQ community

You're no bernie supporter

Yeah maybe he'll be tough on you

Even if he does tell you to vote for trump, maybe the people around him won't get mad about it


Feels good

Biden's rising

Feel the Biden

@angie!! How do you know that

So clips are a measurement for a clinical diagnosis

Nice logic

The bot is realistic

You know what's nice

I'm sorry centrist

Looks like the leading centrist is someone you don't like

I knew it

Fucking fuck fuck

@Trauma This is why we need Biden

Zoomers can't accept facts

Ramit, what we can hope for is this

Yang as a vp

It's either Trump or Biden

Start choosing

@Trauma Let's be real, Biden is the most formidable opponent to Trump there is

Biden is rising

And winning!


@Katze Miaulitzer The man the myth the legend, heโ€™s rising

And winning!


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