Gregory Able

Discord ID: 145349988287774721

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sheetz has good shit

pure ear autism

so this is black panther royal wedding edition


Nice! congratulations!

venezeula make their choice when they decided to go socialist

call them fruits

where there is a barrier just develop new slang like the black community

melanin enriched individuals

this is from some movie I can't remember

```Today we remember the life of #MichaelBrown on what would have been his 22nd birthday. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with his family and friends```

And nothing about th media sensationalizing school shootings for ratings which in turn brings out copycats

but but but muh evil nra and evil republicans

escape from tarkov devs and most of their fanbase are so fucking stupid

This is second time they announced their anti cheat being updated on a specific patch (.9) or some shit

After seeing numerous posts about cheating being an issue I called them out on it

Got met with:

1. Called an idiot
2. dismissed as "part of the cheating problem"
3. Had whoever manages their dumpster fire of a facebook feed respond to me with
Escape from Tarkov Just knowing one will come doesn't ensure they will be able to be prepared for the storm with it. There will be the group that continue to cheat and not wait, and those will be the ones who help further strengthen the walls!```

Because there isn't a total industry built that preys on this type of asinine behavior from devs to develop cheats to sell

Stupid devs doing stupid shit and put people down and ban them off their forums for not sucking their toes

That game is doomed to the same fate as DAYZ Standalone

I was hoping it was a 2142 remake

soy that s why I prefer my current factory work

soyboys don't last long in hard labor

anyways off to work only an 8 hour night tonight woo woo


well except it isn't really to shit on the western nations but to provide cheap ass goods and get rich as fuck


๐Ÿ”ซ discord at least hasn't stooped to the degeneracy of removing gun emojis\

"immoral" is a broad label

its a verified twitter soylord so what do you expect

full wartime production


and history of being the the most powerful nation on earth

all reduced to shit because of hurt feelings and control

Oi you got a loicense for dat bendy stra' m8

just like how blacks butcher cars

chilling out getting that rest to go be a hard working American

cause 300lbs of fatass really rustles my hollowpoints

but in all honesty, shop around, find a gun that fits well in your hands.

Practice with it and get a conceal carry license

the new generation is becoming woke to the cancer that is liberalism

but they could also be the output of treating kids as votes rather than human beings


Zenimax already threw up a shitty mmo eso

people are rolling it to be a mmo like eso or a battle royale game

Obsidian isn't touching anything with this game and quite frankly after fallout 4, bethesda really shit on the fallout franchise

All they had to do was let obsidian takeover and do work on the fallout franchise but the stupid jews at zenimax and todd howard being the retarded faggot he is didn't want them stealing his thunder

fallout 4 was a shitty console port to pc because they forget who their major playerbase is and to add insult to injury used it to make paid mods a thing

E3 2017 was a dumpster fire

E3 2018 will be no different

Everything is too generic or they fuck it up because development companies are becoming knuckle dragging risk averse mongoloids (i.e Destiny 2) that are so scared to take a risk and make something truely amazing they feed stale bullshit to their customers who are completely retarded

and don't forget m i c r o j e w t r a c t i o n s

Disney has plenty of money this won't hurt them


The minute political arguments must be inserted into entertainment for non-entertaining reasons it becomes a tool of propaganda rather than entertainment

And just think these jackasses are buying out MORE franchises

I can't wait to see what they do to X-Men, they already messed up fantastic four.

I don't know if people have seen the first dumpster fire disney made of the star wars franchise

its been out for 2 years so fuck it

They killed of han solo in the force awakens because Harrison Ford got pissed at Disney

The only reason they did that

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