Message from @FaustingPanzer
Discord ID: 468675214356512768
Via email
I got banned again! F
Tom Pappert has already been on the Milo show so this will be easy to get out.
i dont even know how to tag your fuckin name but We don't get Milo for every time the page gets zucced, Looks bad.
But thanks anyway man
We need to cry to DADDY ;D
Daddy Alex?
@Mf1399 just tap the person's name to tag.
Nah the context is from Milo
Dabs for DADDY?
Milo refers to Trump as daddy.
I come from a forgotten time
When Alex Jones gave birth to me
It's a long story
My ππ hard
Fuck them
i am with you
Good job @Tom - GET Official
alright cool
thanks for your hard work @Tom - GET Official
@Tom - GET Official we will rally for you
Im so happy I saw this on Facebook I had no idea about this discord
welcome brother
even if the pages and group get purged we still have disc
and zucchini is about to see congress XD
If they bring it up i will laugh
@Tom - GET Official I messaged my local news station lmao i hope they put it on tv not sure if they would care enough though