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Also where's tom?

Is he no longer admin?

For some fuckin reason I had a dream last night about Opening a Drake & Josh Themed Diner. For absolutely no reason ๐Ÿ˜

Anyway, Any news overnight I should know about?

@NotRussian Same ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I need my memes

Heard that Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy are gonna be able to look at the documents that the Dept. Of Justice has been blocking for about a month or so now, In private sometime this week.

Coincidentally after Iran threatens to name those who were bribed to pass the Iran deal if a solution isn't made

Hm, This is actually good. Maybe this was part of Trump's plan all along in order to renegotiate a better Iran deal?

Yep, Well the reason I think it is, Is to expose the bigger fraud in the deal, So that Europe is forced into renegotiating the deal. Who knows, We'll find out soon

one of the best

I play Fallout. Well currently in the middle of playing with a modded Gameboy Color that i've had for years. What do you guys play?

ah nice, im considering getting Fallout 3 gotye on Steam

Yeah on PS3 though. Trying to get em both for PC

I tend to Prefer Fallout 3 over New Vegas just because I don't like how the healing works

Never could get into Skyrim sadly. I feel if I play it without playing the previous games, I won't get a lot of it

Nah I liked the instant healing, New Vegas has the healing where it does it over a period of time, Never liked that ever. But I'll definitely check out Skyrim for PC then. Just need a better GPU, >mfw shitty PC

That I can agree with. and better humor

Anything my PC can run, Here's a example of how shitty it is, It's cpu is a Intel Core 2 Duo

>also mfw no money

What do you got on Xbox? One or 360?

I have some Multiplayer games, What you got

You have Black Ops 1?

I play Fortnite but suck ass

Pubg as well when it wants to work even tho it's downloaded

I also play Forza, got Horizon 3 and Motorsport 7. I prefer Horizon 3

Is there a Department of Memes group? I need a invite

@luezys Recently got back to watching him and he is, Although he has stated that he doesn't identify with either side in one of his videos

@Tom - GET Official Sorry to ping, But is there another Facebook group at the moment?

I'm willing to help, If the need arises. I can make a completely anonymous backup

Damn. Facebook needs to be regulated and ordered to follow by the 1st amendment

Sad world we live in now. Hopefully we can keep fighting. We must

Well, Not all sad

Yeah but that's the great thing about war, A new way is always found to fight it.

At least, New tools are always discovered

It's soon about to be broke lol

Facebook is cracking down on levels never before seen

You're actually right. I've noticed lately that i've been falling back onto Intellectual thought rather than memes. That needs to reverse. With the midterms coming up, We need to go into full gear

Memes that make a simple point, Yet point out the obvious faults with democrats, while still being funny

Maybe that's a bad idea, Nvm. Seems to be what the left is doing yet fail at it

Nope. We could succeed at it because of that. We're not morons

What the hell?

They didn't remove it yet it's nowhere on facebook

Facebook did something. This is obvious and they're (((trying))) to get to the source of the issue. They better return the page or they will have bigger issues

>couch potato >My little pony profile picture

Fuck it i got nothin lol. True


You definitely have a court case then it sounds like. The only way a page like that could be deleted is from within the company itself. No Pakistani hacker could have done that, With how tough their security is

Definitely a rogue employee. They have to keep records of this in some way.

We have to do something, Now

Democratic party's message for 2020 is to apparently improve the lives of everyday Americans. LOL Yeah okay

Exactly. Gtfo. I've already voted for the midterms

I mean Cali primary

Or whatever fucking election that is coming up. Lol I just woke up

We'll never get rid of em

There are so many angry reacts on Trump's post about the opening of the embassy LOL

I hate living in Commiefornia. I just saw an ad for Dianne Feinstein

So is Trump protecting Assad or what? Or Is this the black pill I've heard about

Tucker actually brought this up though when the air strikes were carried out. How it didn't make sense for Assad to gas his own people and he got slandered

Honestly at this point we have better chances at gaining China as our ally

Ahhh, Makes sense

Okay so how come when I go to upload a photo to here, It automatically opens up my System32 folder ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

Delete Discord from my computer? Lol

Oh wait lmfao

So there is now a bill in California to replace either Lincoln or Washington's birthday with International Socialist Worker's day. Fucking bullshit, I'll still celebrate it.

I'll have a pop up of George Washington riding a giant Bald Eagle with a American Flag in his hands in my front yard

Hm, Schumer is praising Trump for moving the Embassy move to Jerusalem. ๐Ÿค” and @Stormbreaker I'd gladly own a musket

Yeah, It was just on Fox. Makes you do a big THONK

@Deleted User Yeah I heard about that

Juan Williams on Fox rn: "This is exactly what the Russians want, This political divide in our country where all we do is shout and argue instead of getting things done" Did he actually just make a valid point?

@Tom - GET Official Just finished watching it. You did great, Loved the bit about reptilian Zucc

I'll be there to watch. This is just one of your many interviews to come haha, Good luck! We'll get the page back

If you watch The Social Network, It shows how much of an asshole he really is

Who would win in a debate honestly, Alex Jones or Ben Shapiro

Kind of figurede

@Major Kay. True. He seems more of a character. Also Didn't bill gates recently say something about this

how do i get that

<:DeusVultThink:445633671819690010> oh wait

^ me every night

I miss anything?

@Major Kay. >mfw that's the current situation in America

Literally any opposing view is shunned onj

@Thornberry True. We need to keep it though

And he's still rallying

I believe Trump knows what he's doing, Especially with the middle east currently. Remember, We always freak out when he does something major

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