
Discord ID: 235935504451764224

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Holy crap I used to live around there @SirW00f

no time to read this now unfortunately

it is very telling that this is going on and there is no MSM coverage of it at all

the local media in Tucson appears to be handwaving it


aren't the major social media / search sites supposed to go down today or something?

There was some talking about because the QClock lines up with the drops about net blackouts that we would see some of that going down today

BTW the QClock is one of the most ingenious things I've ever seen

Man they came up with it on 8chan, it's a literal clock based on q drops

and the way the drops line up with news on each day is incredible

Today is 3:00 sharp on the clock and it lines up with drops concerning takedowns of cabal backed social media /search sites

I have been following this since FBIAnon during the election cycle

from Q's first posts I was sure he was legit

he made radical predictions near the beginning that have not happened, but if the Clock is correct a lot of his drops have been for things that wouldn't happen for a month or so

the sheer complexity of the corruption that people have found is mind boggling

the clock is concerned with days though

so it doesn't necessarily reflect a timezone

@oneofhis1 every day is a minute on the clock

You know Panama I've been listening to Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon series

and the thing that strikes me is not so much that religions are cobbled together versions of earlier religions (that was pretty clear when I took like comparative religions and mythology classes) but the hypocrisy

How did you study the mystery religions in college? I unfortunately went for a year and ran out of money lol

if you're interested in religions and mythology then this audio series is VERY interesting

I wish I knew more about the financial game

it all just seems designed to suck money out of people though

in case you're curious

I managed to get my head above the clouds somehow even without a degree lol

well debt is the most debilitating part imo

the problem is it's so integral to the way society works

well that's exactly why debt is the debil

usury was illegal at one time

that's the hypocrisy I'm talking about; these people call themselves illumined and regard us as animals, but they've rigged the system SO COMPLETELY against us that so few people have a chance

it's like breaking someones legs then laughing at them because they can't walk

and regarding yourself as inherently superior because you can

I mean in fairness many of the families have been literally working for centuries to build up the wealth and power they have

I'm not defending what they do with it

but having respect for one's enemies can be a virtue

if it wasn't for the strain of breathtaking animosity they have toward anyone they consider inferior I would say they have a very pragmatic philosophy

just because I respect the multigenerational effort doesn't mean they aren't my enemy ๐Ÿ˜‰

But one of the pillars of a good war strategy is that if your enemy possesses technology or knowledge that is superior to your own, it is advisable to understand and reverse engineer it

they have such an advantage; it would behoove us to understand what the methods were that allowed them to amass such wealth and power

it's more a philosophical advantage

than a physical tangible one

that gave them the tangible one

if you take my meaning

What I'm trying to say is that the individuals who are in power came from a base of power that was built by those that came before them, and thus they took an overwhelming advantage and are now continuing to exploit every opportunity to increase it

The Rothschilds for instance

Over generations of careful planning and discipline they managed to obtain and then vastly expand an advantage

yah haha I would agree

But doesn't the philosophy they espouse that allowed them to expand on advantages over generations, their way of thinking and understanding the world and their role in it

Why would we not want to figure that out?

I mean it obviously works

if you could take the practical aspects of it and throw out the you know, will to enslave and dominate all things

Does that make sense?

There are no weapons in the videos

I wouldn't go messing with the cartels without some firepower

Italy elected a populist, sovereignist government

and hungary has never wanted any of soros' bullshit ๐Ÿ˜‰

not if they reform their economy to use sovereign currency

instead of fiat bullshit

switzerland will have a referendum on reverting to sovereign currency on the 10th

Let the bodies hit the floor imo

We won't see it till 3pm

and it will be heavily redacted

she gonna get arkancided

FYI pretty sure that EBS "code" is just a console login for Linux.

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