Discord ID: 354764247185621015

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I’m here to tea bag alphabet bois and laugh at proponents of vehicle holsters

@Radmin is this group for catholics

yes and what

wtf is a sacred artifact

wish I could join ya'll in voice, but I'm currently studying

maybe later

What the fuck is happening

Of course

morning kings

I can’t believe I didn’t hear about this

@Soulless bro you gotta hit me up next time

ill get kitted up and come chill with you goons

yeah buddy midTN

easy to get to nashville I'll say that

shoot me a DM we can link up

I need more boogbois in my local network

I interviewed with a bunha local threepers

super gay tho

they weren't interested because I'm too busy to attend all their cosplay sessions

pending group membership my man

threepers are literally just a conglomerate of embarrassing uncles

im a little spooked not gonna lie

I got about tree fiddy

can I get an invite to that discord @booglooman92 {OH}

2020-03-14 00:34:20 UTC [Boojahideens of Liberty #new-members]  

I thought it was a good servere

what the hell is happening lmfao



coilovers or armor....

thats my carrier

just need plates

interested in verification as well

seems sketchy

spelling is horrible, sentence structure makes no sense


**mega cringe**

the difference is i dont go begging for sex in boog discords lmao

*misses joke*

*makes jokes about other people missing jokes*

**big brain time**

hey im jsut here for the memes

yus a fudd at 22

checks out

no shit


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