
Discord ID: 148465644927451137

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2019-12-11 02:10:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

so if the earth is flat how exactly is the air prevented from spilling out

2019-12-11 02:10:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

if it was flat, there'd have to be an edge

2019-12-11 02:10:30 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

and the air would just spill out at the edge

2019-12-11 02:10:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

thered be no air

2019-12-11 02:10:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

maybe the ice wall

2019-12-11 02:13:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

well the lighters kinda go in all directions

2019-12-11 02:14:29 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

have you ever seen fire go down

2019-12-11 02:16:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

one day wehile andy was maturbating woody got wood

2019-12-11 02:17:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

so like

2019-12-11 02:17:46 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

you have to

2019-12-11 02:17:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-12-11 02:17:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-12-11 02:17:51 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

by like 5

2019-12-11 02:17:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

and you get like

2019-12-11 02:17:54 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-12-11 02:17:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

i think thats how math works

2019-12-11 02:18:00 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-12-11 02:18:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

2 + 2 is 5

2019-12-11 02:18:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

5 * 2 is 11

2019-12-11 02:18:11 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

so 2 + 2 * 2 is 11

2019-12-11 02:26:10 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

One day while Andy was maturbating, Woody got wood. He could no longer help himself! He watched as Andy stroked his juicy kawai coc. He approached Andy which startled him and make him pe everywhere on the floor and on Woody too. Being drenched in his urin made him harder than ever! Woody: "Andy Senpai! I'm alive and I want to be INSIDE OF YOU." Andy: "Oh Woody Chan! I always knew you were alive! I want to stuff you up my kawaii as!" Woody grabbed a bunch of flavored lube and rubbed it all over his head Woody: "Oh my! It's cherry flavored lube! Cherry is my favorite! Woody then stuffed his head up into Andy's tight as! The other toys around the room watched intently as Woody shoved his head back and forth into Andy's nice as, continuously making a squishy wet noise. The other toys also became arousd and they all gathered around Woody and Andy and started to urinat all over them, and then they started to maturbate. Andy: "Oh my goodness, Woody Chan! You are churning my insides up so well! Your nose is simulating my pro state! OH YES! All the other toys became so arosed by this, that they could not help themselves anymore! They pushed Woody completely inside, and they all went inside. All of them wanted to be inside Andy's nice round as. Andy: "No wait guys! My as cannot hold this much! I'm getting so full! All the toys went inside of poor squirming Andy and pretty much, he was beyond full, and died from having his insides completely damaged. The mother came inside and found Andy, dead with a huge as hemorrhage on his ainus, with a HUGE belly full of toys.

2019-12-11 02:28:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

yeah but doestnt fire involve oxygen

22 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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