
Discord ID: 120351624311996416

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Kill all communists.

I look forward to the day when Trump gives the order to remove all commies from the USA forever. The damage they have done to the country is unforgiveable.

China has never been our friend. Outside of a few groups they have always hated us.

Communist or otherwise.

And we left those few grousp to be eaten by communists so rip

Marxists kill eachother all the time, why would I root for one over the other?

They constantly fight over power, it's what they do.

These fake maga china lovers are sad, not sure why they're allowed in here.

Especially when they constantly harass actual Trump supporters.

It's thanksgiving today, why aren't you eating dinner with family instead of pinging me on discord 20 times about how much you love china? lol.

Anyways im going back to it, cya losers.

Ironically, leftists turned "science" into some weird abstract idea that is more like a religion than anything else. They turned science into a cult. lmao.

Redditor atheism

And they usually need to have the F word somewhere in there

"I FUCKING love science!"

While saying Christianity is bad when Christianity has been (for the most part) a positive role in evolving science.

Journalists heckling trump

I love the "science deniers" shit the left says about global warming. It's not different than calling people nazis for not following their marxist garbage. Same tactic, with no truth to it.

I also really hate leftist writing. All their books have "fuck" in the title, it's pathetic.

It's supposed to be new age hipster garbage and "cool with the kids".

Imagine calling someone a science denier when you deny the science of binary gender.

"Fuck" is a very popular word for the left, they put it in everything they can as much as possible because they have a small vocabulary. It's incredibly cringe and unbased.

@๐Ÿ…ฑรธg Wizard It's a well known fact that gamers are on a higher level of being than other people.

All gamers are created equal me when someone thinks they're superior to a gamer

>May Einstein

I think Socrates was on the money

I know I am wise because I know I know nothing.

I read a few things

If I remember correctly he was the guy who basically came up with communism as the "ideal" city system. It was a horrible awful place to live in of course, and pretty much entirely impossible to create and sustain, but it would keep the city self sufficient and free of turmoil and politics, basically.

And of course, Democracy is a mess on it's own. Look at Canada and other direct democracies. It can be done but eventually it seems to fall apart and fail. Republics are Democracies with a backbone.

Yeah he talked about, for example, soldiers would all be bred from birth to be soldiers, they would have very limited education and freedom, and basically be supremely loyal to the state and the state only, and live to wage war on attackers. They would be awful human beings, no more than robotic soldiers pretty much. But it would keep people in line, keep infighting and coups and the like from happening, and keep the state forever strong from outsiders.

I need to read more, just don't have the time or pretend I don't have the time. Keeps your mind sharp, opposed to the soyboy population all soyfacing over the latest netflix garbage.

I've been trying to catch up on playing some games, which is probably a dumb thing to do, but im not the most productive of people around so whatever.

Trying to finish Baldurs Gate 1

It's refreshing to play an RPG that doesn't have 100 big tiddy anime girl mods for once. ๐Ÿ˜

You heard me

My penis can only take so much

Who and whomstve?

I was working yesterday during the public hearing in PA

Watching RSBN's saved stream of it, good shit.

Yeah heard about that. Twitter needs to be held accountable at the end of all this and all of silicon valley and big tech. This shit is absurd.

Yeah the losers who respond are just sad fat bluesharia workers

Don't bother reading them or responding, they're tools.

Political prostitutes

A sad and pathetic life, followed by an eternity in hell is what awaits them.

Besides twitter is gonna get nuked soon anyways. Then they're going to be out of a job.

My wet dream is to see Trump personally ordering the absolute dissolution of Alphabet and all it's subsidiary companies and every other big tech coporation for being traitors to the USA and it's people, servants of China and Communism, for election fraud, and for every other crime they have comitted.

Burn all that shit to the ground. Let's go back to the days of MySpace.

They probably require you to have sex with a underaged kid on video to work for them, so they have something to blackmail you with.

Pretty sure that's how most of these globalists keep loyalty

If you remember any of that "hoax" pizzagate

All those little tied up kids in pictures from peoples twitters and facebook from a pizza parlor

John Pedoesta had a bunch of tied up half naked little girls on his facebook or whatever

Obama and hillary and all these democrat satanist fucks had some REAAAAL weird emails being shared between them, that seemed a lot like code words for, what basically seemed like sex with different kinds of sex slaves.

Likely kidnapped children within the USA or more likely kidnapped children from mexico coming over the border.

Lots of weird shit went on, and things just went quiet after the left and the media declared it a hoax and said were a bunch of conspiracy theorists for it all

Side not, a lot of BLM and Antifa leaders across the USA and Canada have gotten arrested for drug selling and drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and selling, murder... and then more fucked up stuff like kidnapping, human traficking, child sex trafficking, prostitution, child prostituion, so on and so forth.

They are genuine terrorists, akin to cartels. And they work closely with democrats for obvious reasons. Probably supplying them with little kids to rape and sacrifice on the side.



@TheMousez was cold war even decent? I have no interest in cod but I had even less when they removed all mention of china and mentions of Tianiaman Square to not upset China.

Would have been pretty brave and powerful or whatever leftists like to say, if they kept it in.

Reznov is a cool guy I guess

If Biden flees the country, we know where to find him.

Police bad, guns bad, stabbings are fine.

Lmao. Pack it up boys, the shady commie company told us that the president and all the witnesses are liars!

Everything about it screams "evil company" lmao

Just like google. "DONT BE EVIL!"

They need to go to prison for the rest of their days

Trump isn't a politican

Trump needs to have a lot of people sent to jail or executed

Fuck what all these other losers who are owned by money and globalists say


Shes a political prostitute like so many others who have come before her. Some nobody bartender thot with a low IQ, used for her skin color and easy manipulation and brainwashing as a vehicle for commies to push their garbage into politics.

KGB used many people like her

Great way to turn evil people against you. He doesn't need them in his second term, he can't be elected again.

May as well go all out these last 4 years

Send a team to kill soros while hes at it

Kill soros and his son and his friends

Lion Ted can handle the rest

Should give Romney a comfy position tho...

Maybe offical ambassador to Somolia.

Media says it's fake

So hush up goyim

Doomers BTFO

Whos that loser

@Deleted User China is a shithole, every conservative knows this, even chinese people who aren't slaves to the CCP know this, they just can't express these opinions without being "reeducated" or simply killed or organ harvested. Most chinese that leave China and aren't working for the communist government, are pretty based and westernized. They hate commies.

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