
Discord ID: 120351624311996416

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Stop ruining the chain!!!!!!!!!!!

doomers btfo

Im sure more seemingly bad news will come and people will doom again on this rollercoaster of turbulent times, before pogchamping at positive news the next day.

Bill Hell Gates

BRC got fucked hard. They turned on us, the people who made them what they are, and now were finding their dirty laundry.

And with a potential boog coming to a USA near you, it's troubling but sobering to see people realizing not all vets are based or even conservative. Lots of soyboy commie veterans, and even service men. Most people above an NCO are politicans with no experience in the field and thusly, also mostly all cucked.

I know a number of veterans and servicemen, most of them are conservative, but a couple are whiny little babymen.

Obama ruined the military big time. It was his grand social experiment.

In Toronto Canada, theres a resturant that DAAAAAARED to open up and allow people inside

Dozens of cops swarmed the place, news is all over it, and they're going to arrest the owner if he doesn't shut his resturant down again.

Cops can arrest people for not complying with their bullshit shutdown policy.

But big companies can do whatever the fuck they want, they give zero protection to their workers, shit pay, enforce nothing.

And if someone is found to not wear a mask the government will fine the worker

I hope Canada falls to pieces and their country turns into the soviet union 2.0 just even more poor and more starving.


More like HIPPIE!

A cringeversation.

Ye pretty based

Yes hello? Is this the based department? You're gonna want to see this.

Playing crash bandicoot and not collecting all the melons. ๐Ÿ˜”

I wonder what happened to hong Kong. China police state like they said they would do?

Fuck China

Good question.

Maybe he really wanted some hong Kong style chinese noodle.

Maybe he had a bangin hot chinese wife

Why would he? They already have all they need to know. Half the us gov is a chinese spy.

Even canada had tons of chinese spies in its government. Anytime they are arrested or deported, bunch of canadians are killed or thrown in a gulag forever.


I have my pog face ready if happening happens

Comically oversized maga hat

Half the time biden speeches are pre recorded ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ

Wish I could go to a rally. Maybe find a girlfriend.

If that happened to me I would only be mad if I found out a heckler cuck got in and I didnt


Fucking commie losers causing shit all over

China or Hong kong?

I've seen a lot of westerners who moved to china talk about it. It's a shithole. There might be some nice and more lax places in china, it is a large place after all. But in general it's a shithole and it will only get worse. Communism is intolerable.

And chinese people in general are awful. They are usually friendly as long as you're not black, but being friendly means nothing. Canadians are considered "friendly" and I hate every last one of their degenerate ingrate asses

Chinese people have a broken backwards culture. Cheating and scamming isnt taboo, human life means much less there than it does here and that's not even because they're communists with a corrupt and malicious government. They generally just dont give a shit about other people.

They're all act like they have downs or something too. They have no social awareness or common sense that we have in the west. And no empathy for others, at least like we do.

The only Chinese I like are those who move to the west, hate communism, and integrate into western culture

Desperate or some 4d chess going on int he background and were all being played

@Ragnarok every westerner I've seen that has had to interact with the Chinese fucking hates china eventually.

Theres a few that do youtube videos a lot, they live in china and go around exploring and show English speakers what china is like. They're mostly pro china but you can see a lot of shit happening in their videos.

Also dont go go china to do business they will rip you off and scam you constantly, every step of the way.

They will try their hardest to fuck you over in a deal and do "well you didnt say I had to ship that today inside of a box!"

I fucking hate china

When I was more naive I though china was alright and wished that the communists would fuck off another country could be restored to a republic.

But now I dont give a damn. Nuke them.

Commies all deserve death, first of all.

Second, fuck china.

Should nuke them simply on the grounds of spreading the wu flu across the world.

Nuclear assisted covid deaths

What a shame, covid deaths in china just rose to a few billion.

And you sound like a chinese propaganda voice box.

Speaking of, some piece of shit chinese cuck gor me banned on steam for 13 monthz

He was spreading chinese propaganda on some game forums and I replied saying hes lying and he reported me.

Valve banned me for 13 fucking months and wouldn't repeal it because they suck chinese cock.

Chinese people are the worst thing to happen to the internet

They cheat on every single fucking game

I'm glad most of their population is being censored and blocked from most of the internet.

These commie losers just go on about how much china is numbah wan when they have to use a VPN to even access the internet

Yeah but not all of them

Yeah shut the fuck up you commie faggot.

He already won the popular vote by far.

Just have to wipe away the demoncrats bullshit

Actually? It's based not unbased. Creating more JANNIES is cringe.

If more mods are added it should be a certified based and redpilled individual with at LEAST one ISIS or communist on their kill count.

@TheBasedPanamanian China isn't a real place

Me (on the left) and my chinese boyfriend @Ragnarok (on the right)

Hes a butthiurt chinese communists whos trying to stalk me online lol

Idk what he thinks hes going to get by pinging me constantly with these paltry attempts.

Fuck china and fuck communists


Your comment history would speak otherwise

Who else would defend the CCP so hard as you have without being a chinese bot?

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