Message from @Nobelissimos

Discord ID: 781320073842524181

2020-11-25 23:26:02 UTC

2020-11-26 00:08:21 UTC

2020-11-26 00:08:27 UTC

2020-11-26 00:08:36 UTC

2020-11-26 00:10:25 UTC  
2020-11-26 00:10:41 UTC  

The whole HK protest shit is just a proxy war by the National Endowment for Democracy

2020-11-26 00:11:36 UTC  

Run by Carl Gershman, former leader of the Young People's Socialist League and a member of the Socialist Party USA

2020-11-26 00:11:59 UTC  

Also formerly employed by B'nai B'Rith

2020-11-26 00:13:53 UTC  

NED took over a lot of the unsavory political side of what the CIA did before the mid-80s

2020-11-26 00:26:59 UTC  

Sounds gay

2020-11-26 00:27:09 UTC  

Fucking commie losers causing shit all over

2020-11-26 00:30:01 UTC  

Hong Kong is ironically more free now than it ever has been

2020-11-26 00:30:25 UTC  

Pre-return most of their executives were chosen by the Governor-General from the UK

2020-11-26 00:31:18 UTC  

You don't need a loicense for a fucking TV

2020-11-26 00:34:16 UTC  

If they made it like the mainland (which they haven't) it wouldn't be terribly different. Except internet censorship such as banning porn. Penalty for unlicensed guns is lighter in the mainland and its theoretically possible to be a gun owner there, slightly easier than in the UK

2020-11-26 00:39:46 UTC  

I'll just say I travel a lot and have a lot of connections and friends/family in various places, it's nothing like how the Jews have slandered it in the media. Not a dictatorship by far. A lot of the media bullshit I've seen to be untrue with my own eyes. I enjoy it but wouldn't want to live there long-term for sure. So your idea of just nuking them, very badly misguided.

2020-11-26 00:44:02 UTC  

China or Hong kong?

2020-11-26 00:44:52 UTC  

I've seen a lot of westerners who moved to china talk about it. It's a shithole. There might be some nice and more lax places in china, it is a large place after all. But in general it's a shithole and it will only get worse. Communism is intolerable.

2020-11-26 00:45:53 UTC  

And chinese people in general are awful. They are usually friendly as long as you're not black, but being friendly means nothing. Canadians are considered "friendly" and I hate every last one of their degenerate ingrate asses

2020-11-26 00:47:01 UTC  

Chinese people have a broken backwards culture. Cheating and scamming isnt taboo, human life means much less there than it does here and that's not even because they're communists with a corrupt and malicious government. They generally just dont give a shit about other people.

2020-11-26 00:47:28 UTC  

We wuz mechanics

2020-11-26 00:47:42 UTC  

They're all act like they have downs or something too. They have no social awareness or common sense that we have in the west. And no empathy for others, at least like we do.

2020-11-26 00:48:12 UTC  

Fuck China

2020-11-26 00:48:43 UTC  

The only Chinese I like are those who move to the west, hate communism, and integrate into western culture

2020-11-26 00:54:20 UTC  

I've been there many times. It's not that bad. There are some things I cannot stand. Apparently their sewer system is "open" like it's part of the storm drainage system so in the right conditions you don't wanna stand next to a drain on the side of the road. Pretty stinky.

2020-11-26 00:54:26 UTC  

The public bathrooms are HORRIBLE.

2020-11-26 00:55:59 UTC  

As far as empathy and cruelty, no. There are some for sure, their "rednecks", but in general people are nice. If you're white they will look at you like you're a damn alien unless you're on the east coast. Sometimes people will want to take pictures of or with you.

2020-11-26 00:57:37 UTC  

They are arrogant though. Which is why they still have the CPC. Their economic system is far from communist. About the only feature of it they retain is there is no land ownership, you lease land from the government. You can buy a house, but you don't own the land it sits on, you just keep leasing it for several decades at a time. It kinda pisses a lot of people off when it comes to inheritance, which does not exist in communism, but Chinese can inherit property.

2020-11-26 00:59:12 UTC  

Backwards is right though. Everything is like the opposite of America. We wanna live in the country, they wanna live in the city. We like tanned skin, they like pale skin.

2020-11-26 01:03:05 UTC  

I don't care that they don't like blacks though

2020-11-26 01:03:16 UTC  

They love me

2020-11-26 01:03:32 UTC  

Like my ex's mom would say

2020-11-26 01:03:46 UTC  


2020-11-26 01:04:49 UTC  


2020-11-26 01:05:06 UTC  


2020-11-26 01:05:16 UTC  

Community was lovely too

2020-11-26 01:05:24 UTC  

Would get all kinds of looks

2020-11-26 01:06:09 UTC  

One was from a store owner who kept asking if we were actually together

2020-11-26 01:06:20 UTC  

Then looked mad when she said yes