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Vargas. I thought your avatar was a guy squatting down and gaping his anus until just now.

So the most common interracial pairing is white male, asian female.

They did a bit multi year study to figure out why, and the reason is that White men and Asian women are the least discriminate about the race of their romantic partners. #conquistidormindset

In other words white guys and asian girls are the least racist people.

Those die. Just like your love will.

Got my wife a diamond. It wasn't that expensive. Around 800 or so. Paid cash for it.

That's the wedding band

The engaguement ring is supposed to have a gemstone

white gold for me too.

International Jewry is a distraction at best, a misnomer at worse

There are some bad dudes out there with some bad designs for the world who just happen to be jewish.

Isreal on the other hand? If they wanted to reduce the rest of the middle east to glass I wouldn't just Ok it. I'd push the button myself.

I need to start lifting. It's been years.

I haven't tried since back when I was a soyboy.

Hell yeah

When I was in my late teens There was this fit girl I was really really into. Readhead freckled Karate enthusit. I started lifting because I wanted to be great for her. Long story short. No #gains.

I worked with a guy who met him at several USO things when he was in the marines. Nice guy by all accounts.

Allegedly Bob Ross was also an air force drill seargent.

My wife didn't know about him until last year.

God, now they're talking about abortion in the pol channel.

R Lee Ermy he played the abusive drill seargent in Full Metal Jacket

He used to be a real marine drill seargent. For years he was Hollywood's go to lound military training guy.

He was also the voice of the army men in Toy Story

I don't blame people for not wanting to vote for or not liking trump esp pre election. I was a massively unknown quantity.

2017-12-19 05:29:49 UTC [Orwell & Goode's Frens #kfit]  

Who isn't

Watch streams erry day!


I hope we're already doing that to them.

Smite it. Smite it so hard.

The left is always so "Freedom is not the absence of consequence" until it comes to a consequence/action combination they don't like.

The worst part is, not only are the usual suspects going to draw dashcon, etc parallels. But this disaster is going to be touted as proof of the left's superiority (they can organize) and that our ideas about freedom of speech are impossible to put into practice.

I've seen how that works, even on a small scale. People not being able to check their ego is a big part of the problem. That and being stupid teenagers sometimes.

Unfortunatly, we can't mirror the left's organizational form for many reasons. Not the least of which is use of the progressive stack, and individualism being super important.

When I went to union meetings there are actually seperate organizations that do nothing but organize. Basically, it's this big pre internet social network.

Lets say you have a hundered scojus groups in an area with 4-50 active members each. Every time any group has a beef they call into this central group, and that group calls all one hundred of those affiliated groups.

Now not every group is going to have someone show for an event, but if only a third of fifty groups can send out one to three people on a given say that is still in excess of 50 people. Enough to be intimidating.

But the thing is most those people don't really know or care about what is going on. They just want to "fight the man"

That model "works" but it is also ultimately exploitative because it uses people for political points and then discards them when they aren't of use anymore. I know this because it is what happened to me.

Also because of the progressive stack the collective cares more about small victories for a few of the group members (say, transgender bathrooms) than big wins for big groups (say large wage and benefit increases for a large unionized workplace).

I'm not.

I'm just talking about a funcional leftist organizational model and it's flaws. Also the reasons why a more right leaning group can't use it.

This is something we shouldn't/can't do on the path to greater organization. but there may be some tidbits worth cribbing here and there.

I'm old enough to understand that I am no leader and that people don't generally listen to me.


I think if there is one thing we need above all else it is ego checking.

None of this would have happened if someone wasn't needless paranoid about NDAs and non compete clauses.

One of the first obstacles to pass for this kind of thing is not having someone nominally on your side decide they can get a few credibility points by kicking your legs out from under you.

That's the problem with the more Randian side of the right. They expect all of us to be Howard Roark at the same time. So they think it's always justified to tear someone down if they aren't being "real" rnough.

But you're always going to need people to scrub the toilet. Metaphorically speaking.

I feel that way as well.

Yeah, Charlottesville and what the media did to the Tea Party are good things to look at in terms of what not to do and how to anticipate you will be depicted. They'll even go as far as to plant people to make you look bad. An activity we should focus heavily on.

As in we should be doing it to them. All the time.

Heck, considering the proclivities of people on our side it will probably be easier to get them to do stuff like that than real organization.

Like that guy in the last election who claimed to be in the KKK and that they had donated $10,000 anonymously to Hillary. We need a lot more of that going on.

Just like how we need to emphasize that you can't be a national socialist with SOCIALIST.

And that's how we should always present it because it is something the left proudly owns.

I'm talking I want that (((SOCIALIST))) so yuge you can't even hear that national part anymore.

Nazis? Fascists? What are you talking about? I don't see any (((SOCIALISTS))) here.

Oh yeah much better optics.

Other than having a whole myriad of sleeping disorders not really.

I stilln can't figure out what Kraut's end goal was.

Did he think he was going to become undisputed king of the skeptosphere?

Did he think he was going to rise above the Skeptic community entirely and become even more and more famous?

I feel like that way more often than I am comfortable with.

I've been meaning to stream that at some point. It might start my "Tennagers are terrible" series.

It's not hard. The corporatists are in one of the most degenerate of relationships.

At some point they got it in their heads that anyone who deviates from their exact position on the political specturm doens't have to be their audience. Becuase they think a huge majority of people vote exactly the way they do.

Very toxic attitude. To use their nomenclature.

Pinochet tours is what's going on there.

The most cost effective tour a communist can take.

Two Hillary voters and Trump haters. Both alike in dignity. One speaks on about the glories of the hegemonic globalized future. The other laments the evils of globalization and capitalism. Both have internet eccentric jobs that pay six figures or near it. So as far as I am concerned they are both bourgeoisie degenerates. But the question is, how long before they realize they're politically opposed and rip each other's throats out?

Does anyone else know what's wrong with this picture?

He's also getting his eggs scrambled.

I don't know what that's a euphamism for, but I bet it is downright filthy.

Sorry, was talking to my wife.

Seems like a slow evening, yeah. But it's tuesday. What did ya expect?

There were hardly even any videos put out today. At least on the channels I follow.

All kinds of stuff. From orwell to moviebob

He's very good at making sure I'm not building myself a hugbox.

By being a terrible piece of genocidal self hating garbage.

Do you hide your power level?

In used to have progressive friends.

Then my wife outed me.

Dropped me like a rotten pumpkin.

Yeah fortunatly, I have other, better friends.

Bleh. Gonna go stream some isaac.

I own shirts older than that.

Nothing odd or suspicious.

So what's going on today? I've been stuck in the kitchen making fruitcake until just now.

Yeah, as part of the process I gotta spend two whole days macerating.

Gotta get the right kind. Admittedly you have to get a good one. The average one will be nasty and probably put you off em for life.

Wait, who is CPR?

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