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@zoomerking17๐Ÿ’Š when africa is making better choices then the western world you know its bad.

because we are white and white man bad

Hes part mexican

but mostly white

Any race should be allowed to take pride in who they are

The sin of pride is more of self pride

and being stuck up

Deport the illegal ones.

all of them

well as many of them as we can we wouldent be able to deport all of them.

Nick fuentes should run for president when he turns 35

2020-06-27 04:21:07 UTC [Nick Fuentes [Unofficial] #memes]  

based and veggipilled

Holy shit American renaissance was taken down

nick needs to run for president when hes 35

If that became true Iโ€™d definitely vote for tucker 2024 will be the first election I will be able to vote in

Why does the Bible call jews gods people?

I wasnโ€™t arguing with you

I just wanted some info about how the Bible talks about Jews

Maxwells wilki page

Every time

I get called โ€œhomophobicโ€ and โ€œtransphobicโ€ bitch why would i be afraid of gays and trannies they are like the softest weakest beings alive


i wonder how he would react is sombody just supperchatted "nigger"

I would just superchat "ajijdwaiojidawjdioawjiodaiowjdawoidjawijdioajiojaiojifhujawjdoi" as a joke

nick would have to pronounce akdwopakdopakwokdioawjdiojwaiojidjawiojdwai

make the superchat 1000 dollers

then he would be happy

Nick would make a good president when hes 35

We should all be able to vote by then

I can vote in 2024

the next presidential election

Its only the next presidential election but before that I can probably vote on local elections before that

I can vote in two more years for me

Theres alot of us probably

Not babys


You may be able to find a few based boomers

Millenials are the worst generation

There is a reason my username is Zoomer Nationalist.

Nah the feds would be much better and smarter not to post that

The feds know better

Vandalize MLK statues

Vandalize the lennin statue in seattle

Lets rip that thing down

If they tear down our states tear down their statues

Abraham lincon was anti interacial marriage

Us young folks have seen how bad the left is with cancel culture and all the problems in this world at the most intense its been

And living in san francisco I know how bad things are

And its a reason I have gone to this movement

Atleast hispanics are half european

and their culture is still some what european influenced.

@The Eternal Coloradoan its 11:26 at night for me i can barley read that

and im tiered so my vision is a bit blurry

There was this one guy in the civil rights movment that bought a boat and tried to get as many blacks to return to africa

Boy that was a good idea

I learned about him in my communist school

Forgot his name

time to shoot some pregnate woman


ooga booga

why everybody talkin bout me

i wakes up on somes islands nigga

i escapes hell nigga

nah nigga u can calls me ats 3 am nigga

bitch as

i needs some kfcs

and somes watermelons

niceeee niga

yee dat bitch ass talking smak

i almst shoot dat bish ass

gimme the kfcs

so why everybodys talkin bout me?

what i do

las ting i remember i was doin drogs and dis cracka cops rrest me

nah i aint tierds niggas

ay yo should i shoot dis pregnate bish as

hoo dis nock foontes nigga?

bish nobody mah masta

knee on my and i shoot yo girl and yo baby inside

Does the bible say isreal will return to god and accept jesus christ in the end times? Server im trying to get more members in

if its ok to advertise here

The owner feels great about it

I know the owner well

becuase hes me

Imagine if the atlantic slave trade never existed

no niggers in america

Thats a based town right there

Im moving there

But if he had an ALM sign in chicago the outcome would be far worse then in that town

Honestly the only jews I really have a problem with is the talmundic ones.

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