
Discord ID: 461343563528142858

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people are still rendering it.

tbh I missed it

dude he's a leftist

they're all fucked

Vaush likes big juicy horse meat, i'm not surprised destiny takes dick, he already has the screen name of a striper

If you contemplate an open relationship you already lost because your significant other is already lining up someone else....with you knowing too lmao

You got sluts shaking their breast on tiktok for likes, no one has dignity or self respect its a commodity now

When everything is wrong, being righteous to the sinner is evil

But muh slippery slope fallacy, man they turned a fallacy into prophecy

The reason why we are hated is because we're selling responsibility and self-discipline but no one wants to buy

Or because you don't sin you are less of a man @Ronald Wilson Reagan

Women have been weaponized to spreading degeneracy and hide behind the fact that they have vaginas when called out

Fair Weather christians

I rather live in an impoverished US with no degeneracy than a Rich US with all the most cheap commodities but no spiritual anchor, so pretty much current America

the people in power Aren't even American

lmao most of the democratic party consist of foreigners

Why are they here? then right? if you hate this nation why are you still here?

go home be some where, where they won't oppress you, but its never been about oppression is that these people want to dislodge whites from the core of this nation

but why would they, they're being pandered to and people are quiescing to all their demands

Why do they even need to assimilate if they ghettoize themselves?

If all your neighbors speak spanish why do you need to speak english?

Make English the only official language make it hard for immigrants to do business in other languages and see howSpanish speakers will do what ever it is to learn

I live in california, you don't need English to live here

Yeah I live in the LA sprawl

I'm serious when I was a kid California was better off now its a fucking shit hole

it fucking hurts

Lmao the Union Station; the park in front of it is full of Bums

LA is basically pozz city

no one goes to LA

everyone who isn't a dead beat or mentally ill goes to huntington beach, lmao (A republican area)

If you want a nice area go to racho Cucamanga

Beverly Hills is what a poor man thinks is rich

It gets me so mad when a white liberal says California is the best state, but lives out of state

Yeah because white liberals are leaving for Texas and shitting it up

We had Tesla and the fucking democrats shoo'd them away my god this fucking state every single time

making it difficult for the working class

Patriot front is aight, but it kinda looks feddish

My family back around a decade ago we were upper middle class now we struggling man

I despise democrats where ever they plant their feet they bring chaos

Californians are mentally ill and act like battered wives when it comes to the democrats

The democrats take a shit on their chest but the still vote for them

If Jefferson becomes a State imma head out

California at this point is ungovernable

okay if that were true something would've been done a long time ago

where Trump at?

I'm only gonna vote for Trump out of Spite for the Democratic party.

Thats why I've been telling people to start voting for AF candidates

local and national

Its not losing if you never put up a fight

Republicans be like in 2020

Okay mister fed

They'll break up our demonstrations but they can't read our minds.

I heard that the PRI party is getting ready to do a Coup against AMLO

if true we fucked

cuz theres gonna be refugees

I don't know if its gonna be a hard coup with the military or a soft coup

but yeah there have been whispers that many governors in Mexico are angry with ALMO because he's been fucking with their wallets, and the Military is mad because they let El chapo's son go free after the bust in Culiacan

If Mexico gets Bay of Pig'd I'm volunteering

Mexico can't collapse or we're fucked especially california because we're at the border

The PRI is a fucking cancer that needs to be expunged

Yeah I remember that

People aren't abut foreign fashy symbols you need symbols that remind people of America's history not some foreign Italian ideology

Yeah the DSF fucked up alot of people

Under the last President's administration some Mexican Soldiers killed a bus full of Students and cremated their bodies in a ditch

Mexico is so fucked

Mexican deserved him bro, I remember the rallies they had for him people literally sold their vote for groceries and said that they would fuck him cuz he was handsom, (Mexican democracy at work)

Because it doesn't work like that

Mexico is our neighbor and anything that affects it has a ripple affect on us

Who would even think that at this point that would only help to fuck us up even more

Funny enough there are Mexican returning to Mexico well not anymore because of corona

I totally believe that in terms of government and societal Mexico is incompetant

Mexicans have this cancerous proverb "You can't advance with out cheating."
Si no tranzas no advances```

theres you're frame work

you know what I'm talking about

Mexico is extremely fucked and Mexicans know it but can't do anything about it

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