Grump The Horrible

Discord ID: 315640924619276300

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shit made me spit out my drink

did she?

hmm time to do some research.

oh alright listening now

Warski trade marked Liberalist today

or started the processed

because he started the Canadian Liberalist Discord server and got more members in one day than the actual discord server. Jim this morning said "you should trademark it." and Andy rolled with it

funny shit. The Kumite was epic this morning

I was doing micro-economics work and listening at the sametime

I suppose, but it is very entertaining.

He doesn't seem to start it. he makes a bant and people overact. That is my observation.

If you want to be immune just take the bant on the chin and move on

yep. He just likes the shit show, if you are like "man I was dumb" he will be like "oh alright" and move on

or don't engage. I do like a good shit show though and am happy that he exists. He is, by far, one of the best inquisitors I have ever seen. His bants and his elicitation method is better than most HUMINT people I have seen.

even if it is intuitive

dude can I turn this off? My discord is saying everything.

no matter what channel I am on. I have been drinking so this is hard mode for me atm

it was before the FBI

the organization that the FBI is partially based on was the Pinkerton National Detective Agency

Allan Pinkerton's agents worked as undercover informants during the Civil War

wew lad great album

I know most TED talks are shit but as a former SSG(P) and an AIT instructor in the US Army I would say this is true what he is saying. Let me know what you think.

I โค CarniK Con. The machine gun one was my favorite

my goal in life to to get a couple belt-fed machine guns

@Chaos Marine how is the new Vermintide? I enjoyed the first one


once I acquire some sheckles I might buy it.


Happy Easter all

funniest shit I have seen in awhile

Utah won't the Mormons are cucked. I asked the Mormon missionaries that I invite in for drinks (I make Rhode Island Ice tea and they have water) if the knew that Brigham Young had decreed that non-whites weren't allowed in the church. These nigga's haven't hear of this before. Both weren't white.... I am not hating on non-whites but the meme of the Mormon church being this awesome pillar of American Values is horseshit. They do have a boat load of children though :/

I do like Mormon people though

nice folks

this is this channel in a nutshell

hate hate hate

lol keep it up

come at me bro!

nah just autist vibes lol

I am also drinking burbon :/

so very relaxed atm

synthwave ain't gay

@Seatoast Seatoast you gay and you carry a Springfield XD

CZ and Glock the double dildo of awesome

Bulpups are gay as AIDs

I like CZ's for USPSA Production, Glocks for carry and comp,and AR's for assaulting shit

@Seatoast this is my sexuality lol

CZ SP-01, CZ Shadow 2, and CZ P-07 and 09 for competition

I do too I just stopped when I realized how expensive they were

I have an AAC 7N6 silencer

on a 300 blackout

its so awesome

ammo is expensive

Barnes 110 TSX kills hogs and deer really good

Barnes makes like the solid copper hollowpoints

Dr Gary Roberts is one of the best ballistics experts in the USA

he made this list of good ammo for defense

for the autists

he even posts links to the data

stand by

this is a great podcast for everything guns

Dr Roberts is on this

also cops and military that add brevity

"Roland" in this podcast was transitioning out of a SMU and wasn't using his real name

GREAT podcast

also look at the Primal Violence episode

Chuck Pressburg is his name

he is a trainer name

he's a nice guy


btw the Roland Special is a thing. it is a great setup

if you shoot under NVG's RDS's are a thing

why the ALG "6second" mount is a thing


that is the downside


making up those reps son!

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