
Discord ID: 535477719509762079

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Hey guys any chance to speal to the hermit himself?

Like in them cool kids club and general vc channels etc.?

I don't know shit about this server or Discord at all, I am kinda lost. Thats for helping me out tho @Whats gay anymore

From whom? About Discord or MGTOW? @CappyK

I mean i got like the idea of this chat etc. but I donร„t get if you have to be in a voice channel or if there is a place like an entrance hall where you can just be and u don't have te ability to talk or whatsoever @CappyK

Sorry if I am bothering you guys. I am a Discord Green horn

I figured it out. You don't have to be in a vc you can just disconnect from it and you are free like when you really go MGTOW. Lel who invented this shit?

Also one quick question: can anybody see on which Discord servers you were? Not really keen on letting everybody find out about me being engaged in MGTOW stuff u know.

And if we hadn't this server in common we wouldnt see shit, right?

So you guys like on the phone LARPING around in the gt or is it like a thing not to be in a vc? No offence

I forgot you guys are prolly from Norhtern America arent u?

@GingerSnaps WTF is the time at ur place rn?

The man himself showing up. Keem that good content coming Hermit!

@H4NS3 pls think about the guys trynna go NoFap

So killing an addiction is that bad? @TruceAU

@Whats gay anymore Sorry to say it like that but that sounds like BS. Never been aggressive on it.

@TruceAU if you oughta fap in order to really sleep u should try NoFap dude

Me @Happy Humble Hermit ? dunno dont think so especially when i am on NF and lifting

@Whats gay anymore Maybe try meditating dude. Or deal with your suppressed anger. Just sayin'

Well me too. Its kinda part of being a man and having testosterone i guess. @Whats gay anymore

Imagine the NoFappers opening a Fight Club. 'd be dope shit!!!

Honestly I couldnt and still cant believe all of you arent on NoFap. At least like cancelling the P out of the equation would do wonders for not being controlled by (((them))). Thought u were waaaay more into that.

@Happy Humble Hermit good that all of these Ts are not just unlikely but also BS in my opinion.

@Happy Humble Hermit I could bet with you that u are going the path of NF one day if its sooner or later don't matter.

@Happy Humble Hermit I meant all of these ifs were BS sry. kinda confusing like that

@Happy Humble Hermit so you tried it once and "your body rejected it"? Dude my guess is u are manipulated by the fucking P so hard and i don't think u or anybody else wants to acknowledge it.

@Happy Humble Hermit Not wanting to tell anybody what to do in his life and neither wanting to start a fight but I think tho. I just think you could benefit massively and am sure one day you will follow the hard path of all of these fellow fapstronauts.

@Happy Humble Hermit Not saying its not healthy, in fact it'd be awkward not to have a sex drive. But I think one can benefit greatly from doing it.

@Happy Humble Hermit didnt want to act like i was wise or anything like that.

@Nawalter Jizney i don't think its comparable. Go a month or more and then just find out yourself. Its worth it.

@Happy Humble Hermit in which way doesnt give you the strength to have a debate on Discord? wtf dude......


Whats more important with NoFap as it is the case with MGTOW is that u got a lot more free-time and energy on your hands (and not in your hands, lel) but you have to use it.

Thing why i failed many times is that i wasnt able to convert it properly because i didnt reeeeally know what to do. Or maybe what not to do.

@Whats gay anymore thats what i mean. As I see it we waste our precious time fucking masturbating and jerkin the gerkin to fake af videos. And i mean if u do it like in half a minute and only are drowned of ur energy and what that- go for it. But I at least for me will fight.

@GingerSnaps Question is when isnt it an addiction anymore?

@GingerSnaps Still robs u of so much energy and time i guess. at least for me. I couldnt ever go drain the lizard and then like go and work twoo minutes later

@GingerSnaps it makes me be sleepy.

I dont know if 'tis true but i think Tesla was a NoFapper or VolCel or whatever too. Not trynna say it gives u superintelligence or some shit i aint a vodoo magician but i think we should focus our time and energy on important things and not on ridicolous little urges etc.

@H4NS3 elaborate pls

@H4NS3 if it has ever done anything for me it was blurring my mind tbh

@The-Free-Monk I think most people including me try it to procrastiante and evade stress

@EmptyEagle sorry if its bothering you. Honest Question: Should I fuck off?

@Whats gay anymore wasnt going to try to be a missionary either even if i think its a good way to self improve. Also didnt want to debate or some shit just know why you arent into it tbh

I just dont get why you would ever not eat meat. What should be wrong with it? "We"'ve done it for millennia.

Only point I could let count that u wanna reduce CO2 emissions but I dont think animals are the way to do this the best

@GingerSnaps thing is transport industry can be made cleaner without having to quit doing something u know?

If you drive an electric car or a gas car- nobody gives really a fuck. But to eat or not eat meat i think thats another story

@The-Free-Monk u from the USA?

Right guys imma stop lurking rn and fuck off. C ya

Hey guys is there a way to write a longer message which reaches a lot of people in this DC in lets say the time span of like 24 hours? Kinda wrote some encouragement type of stuff and didnt only want to share it to just you who are now in the general-text. If not I might just straight up drop it rn and hope it helps some of you.

@hel how should i send it to him exactly? Its my second day on discord and I dont know if you mean just PMing him or whatever.

@hel you meant me or the thesis?

@hel As i said its mainly a encouragement to never give up changing and becoming the best version of yourself. I can send it to you as well to the triple H if you want to read that grammatically totally ridicolous... lets call it "art". Its supposed to be like this.

@shadowlessnexus how tho? Just not leave it when I leave DC?

Sorry Sir but you are saying that I should leave the server?

@hel I am pretty sure I am not using a temporary account because I dont know shit about DC hahaha

If I just press the X now if I wanna close DC but *not* leave the server (so shadowlessnexus can rest easily ) is this right?

@Happy Humble Hermit Hahaha far from being considered old but yeah DC is like a new world to me. It doesnt seem to be built on logical principles.

Dude altering my nick aint cool when its wonderful in its original state. Pls change it @shadowlessnexus

Its fucking depressing. My changed nick totally doesnt convey the vibe.

Oh shit I am back again #bearlyalive

might as welll leave the server now just for the lols

See ya gay loser virgin

Hey guys since it should be morning for most of the NA guys now i wanna bomb into your conversations and drop some encouragement I wrote. There might be some kind of user announcement stuff which HHH said he might implement where I will drop it too if its available. For now I wanna reach some of you.

Hey guys, wanted to spread some positivity around here. We as a MGTOW community have found a way to greatly increase our overall energy, money and most importantly freedom by going our own way. GYOW certainly isnt easy and as Hermit often preaches one has to find his way for himself and shouldnt straight up follow anybody elses way and copy it. Thing is, we as men are what mankind thrived on in its entire existence and it will most likely continue to go on like this. When a men truly goes his own way, the whole world is open to him. I myself just recently understood what the term commitment truly means and how everybody of us is going to benefit in a tremendous way if we really commit not only to MGTOW but also to our other dreams. Remember the scene in fight club when Tyler Durden asks โ€œIf you died right now, how would you feel about your life?โ€œ. I think it is crucial to ask this yourself from time to time. Think about where you already were, in what kind of adversity, throught what kind of bullshit you already went through. Now think about where you would rank yourself in overall performance in life measured by your own standards on a range from 1-10 where 10 is the best. Hell I am far from 10. Thing is, I am also far from 1. Constantly fighting the battle, our battle and several others (in my case trying to succeed in NoFap, getting a degree etc. etc.) means a lot more hardship, a lot more adversity, a lot more strength you gotta expend to truly achieve what you want in life. As long as you keep fighting it really fucking DOESNT MATTER where you are on the spectrum. Hell if you are at 1 FUCK IT because if you are working on improving in which world does it matter where you are right now?

In fact it is only logical that u are nowhere near 10 when u are working on yourself and thats perfectly healthy guys. Who even is at 10? Even with near Gods such as Tesla, Einstein and mb Elon Musk who changed and are changing the world I dont think a 10-person ever existed and I am trying hard to reach the 10. Every day I am trying to improve I would answer Tylers question with: โ€žI would feel amazing because I endured hardship for a long time and finally decided to resurrect myself with the power which is inside of me. I never fucking gave up nor did i whine for too long about how shit life is. I know that I succeeded in life because I did everything in my power to succeed.โ€œ Even if you are at 1 at the spectrum you know that you died as a warrior. How would you rather die? Being fucking miserable and knowing you never changed it whining about how unfair things are or as a warrior trynna giving your best to improve and succeed even if you hadnt the chance yet to come a long way? Most of us MGTOW men as young as they might be have already come a long way and got a long way ahead of us. GYOW is one of a couple of steps of unlocking your true potential. GYOW and prosper guys.

@Whats gay anymore haha glad you didnt dude. Honestly its as much encouragement for everyone of us at it is help for me. I am trying to make the necessary commitments to fucking change my life NOW. I dont wanna feel bad about life if I died right now like the pussy version of Tyler Durden.

@Nawalter Jizney @GingerSnaps glad I could help some of you guys. Stay strong on our path its hard for everyone. Prosper guys. Prosper.

@essence I am not forcing anybody to read anything, if its too long for you dont read it. I am merely trying to not only encourage some of you guys on your path of MGTOW but also encourage you to change yourselves to become the best versions of yourselves. Its as much help for me (part of committing to it for me) as it is help for you

@Phosis T'Kar glad you liked it. Prosper guys! Theres a whole day in front of you! I am keen on what I can accomplish today, already was at the gym.

Hey guys hate to be so off-topic regarding your convos but do you know like a method to improve in math/physics in a fun but challenging way (school doesnt count)? I am kinda looking for some freeware if there was any but if you could recommend any books etc. I'd be happy as well.

I am not retarded and able to use the basics of math but anything related to deeper i guess highschool geometry, analysis etc. kinda fucks me over.

I heard of skill share but I think it costs

@Reaper Cool that u are interested as well. I kinda fucked it uppaying attention in school when the basics were layn out (especially in physics) but I rediscovered my interest in it lately. Since i made choices in school to being able to evade such things I cant get anything more out of it there.

I mean I am in my last year of what relates to a high school in the US i guess and I am looking forward to maybe go to university and study something like astrophysics/cosmology. Thing is I am really not where I want to be regarding my math and phsysics.

There are some preparation courses before the semester starts at university which are supposed to get you on the necessary skill level. Guess that'd be a good choice. Waddaya think?

@Archer9 since you are interested in philosophy have you by any chance read Untimely Meditations (I hope thats the corresponding translation) by Nietzsche?

Dude I dont know yet I ordered it like a millennia ago and am about to dive into it like literally 5mins from now but wanted to see if there was anybody who could give me some clues what to especially look out for.

Appears to be critical of society and its downfall/decadence after some reeeeal quick research.

Reaper u more into Kant?

In my experience many people in the US would rather know about Kant that Nietzsche which I think is quite awkward.

Nott assuming u are from the US tho.

Interesting. I attended a philosophy course for a year (literally the maximum time span you can attend it) and didnt really like it. It mostly was about the beginnings of Philosophy and some guys like Parmenides, Heraklit etc.

Tbh it isnt that I am not interested but all those principles that we learned I kinda already thought about already.

I mean I am in my final year of lets say HS and I honestly think school is regarding real self development a waste of time. I hate going there but I need that final degree to go to university where I hope for a better environment.

And by self development I also mean gaining knowledge. I feel like a retard half of time because school doesnt teach you shit imho

If I had a personal teacher I was comfy with and had appropriate material and could determine myself when to take breaks etc. I think I'd be like at least twice as fast in laerning than I am now in school.

@Archer9 I got the impression so many different kinds of classes/courses should be teached as one. Why in the world would you not concentrate philosophy, ethics and religion into one???

Sadly I am not wealthy and maybe its even for the better. Teaches you to get shit done on your own.

@Archer9 the best and the worst.

In my opinion wealthy (single) kids would never have the mentality of a true man/human. They for the most part are not learning what it means to stand up for your ideals, think critically etc. etc.

Family in my opinion doesnt mean shit and having that as the base of what your life is built on seems ridicolous to me.

@Reaper course it'd be like that.

I mean I am not hating on my family but cmon I am not planning to get kids and thats not only because I am GMOW.

@Reaper When you learn how little materialistic things really are worth you gained something which really is of worth.

I just dont get it why one would ever want something like the newest car or mobile when it is of such little importance. I value knowledge way more than anything materialistic.

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