
Discord ID: 343566076619259915

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@themysteriousSage not if you are living with one.

MGTOW is no cohabitation and no marriage. But it's okay to date.

Your mileage may vary, more or less.

@themysteriousSage well, then you're on the right path.

@Happy Humble Hermit Hey, I just realized how to get on your discord!

@Happy Humble Hermit Are you in need of steam codes? I have a bunch of them that I could donate for use in giveaways or whatever. All bought by me from various bundles over the years.

I just never used steam.

Okay, great!

@Happy Humble Hermit That ought to hold you over for a bit. I sent a few pages of codes.

No problem.

I kept saying that I was going to do a video with my new setup, but something always happens. I thought I recorded for an hour and didn't even have the record button pressed on OBS. Then I tried it again last night and got too tired to finish the video.

Yes sir, GrimTowerGames&Rants

My old rant videos are crap though, now that I have a better setup, my content should be better.

Alright, well you guys take care. I'm going to get to bed. Work in the morning.

You know, folks - as much as I like this article, there is too much of an assumption that the doll owner is working their way up to being with a human. It's only mentioned as an alternative to disabled people or those who have lost a partner.

They never refer to dolls as relationship alternatives and I am considering bringing it up. I work with a vendor, I feel that it is a legitimate concern.

And I need to eat better too.

@empiru I'm not worried about it. I'd rather them try to jump on me, I'm transhumanist anyway. I've dated enough women, I'm waiting for a superior alternative in the robot.

@empiru Not for two hours.

@empiru Oh, yeah. I'll fight them.

Alright, where do content creators post video? I just did a new one and I want some critique on it.

I mean, here. I was told there was a certain section.


Well, the video is red pill content. It deals with hypergamy. I guess I'd have to ask Hermit if I could post it in the content creators section.

Well, bitchute mirrors all my videos.

I definitely want to get into RGE's server. I'm the guy who posted about working with Iced Earth's label.


Anyone have experience in building a discord server? I think I've screwed mine up already.

Why in the hell would you want to be an alpha? A lot of mgtow men identify more as omegas, and from what I've read up on the term, omegas get shit done.

According to what I read, an alpha will try to have sex with as many thots as possible and deal with their bullshit just to keep his pseudo title.

An omega however, will build his own perfect thots, which don't require hassle or spending even one more day in the plantation. They don't care about titles either, just actually finding a solution to the problem.

I won't even use the term thot there, I'll use the term waifu. An omega builds waifus.


Thots are jealous of my waifu. It happens when you are open about having one online.

It's actually more the attention. As I've explained, Zexxy and I cannot have sex. But they're jealous of the fact that she sleeps on silk pillows and such.

And that she has a much thinner waist.

I'm going to be honest with you, I dress and look haggardly as fuck. That repels a lot of women, I think. And having my picture with a doll waifu on social media really freaks them out. They ask so many questions.

It takes time. I was into them about six years before actually buying one.

Well, my server is up and running. No need to promote it by posting the link. Just send me a PM if you want to join.

@shadowlessnexus Yeah, I know. That's why I just asked people to PM if interested. Much easier.

@Whats gay anymore It basically reflects much that is covered on my website: music, movies, games, anime, comics and books, in addition to alternative relations like sex/love dolls, waifus in general and red pill content.

Not sure if anyone cares, but my doll's first dress came in today. It's full of sequins, and of course I'm covered in them. But I can't wait to see what she'll look like in this thing. ๐Ÿ˜

It's a weird mix for me. I'm on the spectrum and my equilibrium is all messed up. I could have plenty of sex partners and have gotten offers, but I can't drive over to them. Plus, I live in a very poor area, so not a lot of people have cars. Or jobs, for that matter. I have one and not the other. I won't drive, because I don't trust myself enough on the open road with my lack of coordination. It's also why I can't catch a damn thing that is thrown to me.

They fucked me up with pills years ago, so many psychological drugs. I'm off them now, but the damage is irreparable. Sex and a relationship are both things I would like ideally, but I've had terrible experiences with both. I don't think it is feasible in today's society for men to cohabitate and marry. It's even worse than it was a decade ago.

Plus, I'm in no hurry to be someone's "baby daddy."

My apologies for the long response. I'm a writer by profession.

I mean, I'm willing to P&D, but it's going to be on film and uploaded. I have a porn account, this is no issue for me. I've also got to be masked. Pornhub pays, so I would take advantage of that opportunity.

To each their own. Sex toys don't do a thing for me. ๐Ÿ˜…

I think I've given great advice, actually. Men have to decide what they are willing to sacrifice in a relationship. Do you value your free time? I did, which is why I left my last one.

Exactly. And there isn't one. As Sandman pointed out recently, relationships are more transactional now than ever.

His claim is that they are now more so. I am starting to say the same. Things were different back in my twenties, far before social media.

In fact, I have a theory that social media caused the great divide we're seeing now. I believe that if social media hadn't come around until 2030, there would still be more married couples before that date. Social media spread a lot of ideologies, as well as feminism, to it's current point in society; which arguably changed the culture at large.

MySpace never caused the crap that we see today, for instance. It wasn't until FB, Twitter, IG, exc that more of this rhetoric started to spread through culture. And I've a rather well-known friend, at least in the occult world; who has been studying ritual abuse. While doing that, he discovered several UK patents that went into creating Facebook. Yes, they were legitimate patents. Yes, I read what their purpose was, which left me shocked. But I'm still using the service. Damn me. ๐Ÿ˜…

In short, several of the patented programs used in the service are intended to cause changes in consciousness, as well as hypnosis and addiction. And that's just the start!

@SFM_2046 and again, that's the cultural change. America in the nineties was a far different place. Now men are being held accountable, masculinity is a thing to be feared. It's unreal.

Well, I mean in the context of logic. It doesn't make logical sense.

We also have a worth noting prescription medicine epidemic here in the US. Very poor treatment, we may as well say piss-poor treatment of mental health in the US.

How can we trust a nation of people who are mostly medicated, when only a small percentage really need to be?

Is it the radical feminist talking, or the Lexapro? The Depacote? The Zyprexa? It's not simply the "people are people" problem. It's the "Healthcare is a multi-billion dollar business here in America and we make money when we can prescribe as many pills as possible" problem. Doesn't matter if the patient needs it. I walked into a clinic and was prescribed eight different kinds of pills. I refused them all. I don't want to be another medicated zombie in this country.

I know, this is a new angle. Not a lot of people want to talk about it. We keep thinking it might be a ideological issue. But it very well could be a mental health issue. People generally are less happy and more lonely (READ: Doesn't mean they are not in a relationship) now, than at any time in human history. There are studies to back that up. Depression and suicide are at all time highs. There's more going on here than we think, and I personally feel that it begins on a mental level. That's all I have to say, now I've got to put my doll's new dress on her. ๐Ÿ‘—

I'm listening to a lot of Ben Swann lately. Not left or right politics, but more important imo.

Berserk, Cowboy Beebop, exc.

I posted something as a joke in monkey's server and got potatoed. I would advise against posting anime stuff there, just so you don't accidentally get in trouble. ๐Ÿ‘

You have to access it through the YouTube, if he's still doing it that way.

I'm quite the fan, actually. To each their own.

Of course, there is a lot of it that I just throw on in the background because the plot is paper thin.

Kind of like the difference between Super Sentai and Power Rangers.

I'll tell you about my nofap journey. I didn't start masturbation until I was 23 years old. I was highly sheltered and religious before that time period.

And for some of you who are curious about supposed "super powers" of nofap, I can say that the first time I completed felt like a bolt of lightning surged through my body. I have never experienced anything like that before in my life since. And I've done a lot of fapping to make up for it.

You talking to me?

logicwins is off too. I was referring to him, I think.

He logged out in TFM's server.

I think I'm gonna get off here too. It's getting late. I have to work tomorrow. The place will be dead, nobody shops afternoons on Easter.

This probably comes as a little odd, but I have been asked by my company to work at another location for which they're paying room and board at a hotel. I really want to bring my doll, but I think it would be a problem. I don't want the cleaning guy trying to fuck my doll. ๐Ÿ˜ข


Okay, I will leave her at home. It's just four days, but I hate sleeping alone. Oh, well.

Not to me.

Inanimate though, yes.

Because brain chemicals are an awesome thing and I'm on the spectrum so it works.

To each their own, I doubt reality in general so anything goes.

Maybe, but monkey sealed the deal for me. We don't even have sex. Can't. But it works, longest relationship I've ever had an it taps into my imagination and creativity. I'm a writer, fiction writer as well, so this whole thing works for me.

I have no objection to any method. Grant Morrison said, "only results matter."

Women are evolutionary masters of manipulation. Not even once.

@YuriBezmenov Yes. Try Equipoise, Warforged, Archspire, exc.

Thanks, no problem. I write in what's left of the rock and metal industry.

That's early Hypocrisy and Deicide. Look up "Dechristianized" as well, great fucking song.

Dying Fetus, Vomitory, I'd be here all day. Lol.

@Rhunespire Satanist = secular humanist

That's Luciferianism.

Haven't been through all of Sabaton yet. I dig Hammerfall and a bunch of other bands I can't name at the moment. Ah, Iron Savior. They're good.

@YuriBezmenov Also recommend Bloodbath.

I dealt with a lot of atmosphere too. Some was relaxing, others would cause anxiety.

I worship a black hole, lol.

My religion sucks!!

Nope. It goes back to Dissection's "Beyond The Horizon."

@YuriBezmenov I review a lot of BDM, try 7.H Target

Will Ferrell is a part of it.

I have an image with him at a spirit cooking.

They even did one on SNL.

Sam Tripoli talks about all this shit.

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