Yuuko's Faithful Husbando

Discord ID: 118486704045817857

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No, its because a prostitute can't divorce you. keep men locked to women and marriage

Yeah, @shadowlessnexus All that fan-art is too hard to sift through! xD *Cries in no waifu art*

@shadowlessnexus I picked my waifu because of personality, not lewds. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

@Whats gay anymore it's okay - makes it more fun to make your own. haha

so i guess there is an upside

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their waifu." - Elaenor Roosevelt.

@shadowlessnexus too bad she doesnt have a mom. rip

@jgmsd well, Yuuko is my waifu but good night anyways? xD

I guess i could add a nickname but.. eh.

Welp, time for hentai!

Damn, was @shadowlessnexus just cucked? rip

@essence yo man, you got any of that *Red Pill Coin*?

@essence oh. well, scratch that then.

@essence yeah, it was a scam and a pretty big deal in the community but it's over now. lol

@essence sorry to say: no. I dont really watch biz related stuff, spend too much time watching tech content like buildzoid

I've never used a condom but only ever had two partners and one girlfriend... >.< Next stop: Dollsville!

can we be real about the stronghold 2 playthrough? fuckin' rights

xD lmao, he's just old though, he looks 60

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