Poseidons WarDogg

Discord ID: 250414657464958986

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i clap cheeks as king k but now i need to get used to my new GC controller

2019-01-18 05:40:05 UTC [Hermit Hangout #shillzone]  

^i like this one more




fuck that i dont care enough

fuckin autist

@ToastMcGhost where then?


how do people get invites to here

Getting there


@shadowlessnexus posted it in a server with the homies so daneas doesnt get in i wouldnt do that to hermit

niggas retarded as shit

zeaks killed the chat

wait i won


that pic g

i thought was against tos

i regret letting my dog in my room because he keeps farting


"de balzack" more like dah ballsack goteem


@Whats gay anymore a place to get cheap games


yup just ignore them

she has a son of course shes fighting for men whos gonna take care of her if he gets fucked by the government

sounds like grooming a kid tho

or a waste of time


@Crothyk your obviously here just to shill and not argue you havent provided any evidence and just ignore others points

they had to do it to em bois

you can spit on his grave

jigglypuff is for hungrybox and faggots like him


bro wheres the juul

nigga used ms paint to block that out

wood alcohol > whiskey

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