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God-fucking mages.

Revenants aye?

You were around in 2007 I take it?

I liked it better when the wildy was controlled by revs, not the players.

Annoying and unpredictable as hell but at least they were level sensitive.

I can take care of that on Karamja or some other islands.

There is another place I cant remember anymore that was less traffic.

Member only wise?


I found better loot sources and drop sites than Demons when I got into membership.

Not just the Greater Demons either.

Yes, GD was even rare actually and Wilderness exclusive.

That bot is pissing me the hell off!

Yes, MEE6. It is too sensitive.

Brb, gotta get water and find my mic.

Now that I am getting sober.

MOBA is for the weak!

FPS is power! Quake for LYFE!

student ban?

Console MOBA?

That s a laugh.

What is this "troll" call?

Did somebody call for the Authoritayz?


That's only half-true.

There are some women are look very menacing when angered.

Like "get your knife and get ready to stand your ground" angry.
Not talking about land whales either. The harpies and rachtets are actually more fearsome.

Than those fat sacks of shit.

The fatasses are just annoying and disgusting when angry.

Gives me the "ugh, where did I keep my bat and thot spray" disgusted vibe.

@ZODD Why so?

Even the simps chearing that boy for being married to a grown woman?

Honestly, part of me hopes it is. It would give me some hope that this would not be accepted in personal reality.

But something tells me what happened is still close to the truth. The fact is no one cared on the fact that the kid was married to that woman. When it was the girl married to the man, people were confronting and verbally attacking him for it.

It did not take long to get backlash. Despite that this was a foreigner too.

Even when they are married?

You're fucking kidding me right?

She's wearing a bride gound, and the boy's wearing a wedding tux.

Curious question? Are you even MGTOW?

So you are on the fence about where your stances are?

Well thing is, what you have said was perpetuating a double-standard/sexist bias against men.

I showed you the original video and you didn't even want to watch it and presumed fertility and white-knighting before discovering the full story (You don't know if that girl is truly fertile yet, but the latter is part of the problem I'll admit).
Yet, when I showed you a video of the gender roles reversed, you were quick to presume it was all fake and they were wearing cosplay. I can easily imagine a misandrist or a feminist making that same excuse.

The experiments are essential and important to MGTOW, as they help prove the problem they explain about misandry and more reason to go your own way. How does this not benefit MGTOW?!?

Your youth could explain it. Not sure how old you are but what I posted is very important to men in general, not just MGTOW.

The videos are about combating child marriage.

Yes, but illegal marriage. Pro or anti-marriage, it still is a major problem that underage kids are being confined to an adult marriage, something that should be illegalized to begin with.

Hell, the child marriages happening here was a new thing I actually did overlook. I am surprised it is still legal in some US states. I thought this was outlawed decades ago.

This shit happens in my native Nigeria and Africa.

Well you should. That's our boys they're fucking with. OUR youth being destroyed by marriage against their consent and will. Unlike adult men, those boys don't have much choice (if any at all).

Not giving a fuck about this is not MGTOW, it's neutral nihilism.

More so defeatism.

And I've been there before.

Same for the woman. It is disgusting to see any of that. I don't expect MGTOW to fight and resolve men's issues, that is always the job for the Men's Rights Movement, but you guys would usually call out this stuff for what it is and make light to it. A signal that even the MRM could use as a base to resolve the issues on the forefront. To be honest, it would actually benefit both genders to ensure this is federally illegalized.

To discover someone who is supposedly a MGTOW not even care about this issue is just... Fucking wow... Can make one question if MGTOW is truly a path to men's freedom. It's honestly demoralizing.

Thing is I am very black pill myself. I an not even MGTOW either, I am a progressive nihilist - unlike the neutrals, I'm not lazy and defeatist. Even if I wanted to, I can't even afford to be. My goals strongly advice against it.
I've been supporting you guys for a few years now, I don't want to end up losing hope in MGTOW like I did with egalitarianism.

The MGTOW philosophy.

The black pill is an element of nihilism. It's a state for those entering nihilism, especially for the first time. It reveals a much more darker reality of truth than MGTOW does.

A dark truth about human nature and life value.

That's a load of bull. incels did not co-opt the red pill. Some of them did try though, but that does not mean it is useless.

They have been doing so with the red pill as well. Not to mention the PUAs are doing so.

Yes, The Red Pill subreddit for instance is not even a MGTOW sanctuary, it's mostly PUAs trying to pickup bitches and defile the meaning of red pill.

I had no idea it was different from the TRP of Youtube and MGTOW.

As for the black pill, yes there are some fascists trying to co-opt and corrupt it, but it still does not mean it Is useless. See, that thinking is what enables defeatism. I could do the same with the red pill because of all the stinky-ass PUAs trying to co-opt it. I could even say the same with MGTOW for the similar reasons (tradcon simps, incels, and PUAs trying to co-opt that too).

The black pill is suppose to be a reality of human nature and questing the true purpose of life.

@Seven Of Swords
Except the black pill is important. I am skeptical about all world views and beliefs. That is what leads to the state of neutral nihilism or worse case, regressive nihilism (where you start hating and resenting near everyone and everything). The goal with progressive nihilism is to control and tame the overwhelming effects of the black pill and make it into a life purpose. By default I have no reason to exist on this planet, once I reach a certain age, I must construct a reason to justify my existence - that reason for me being game dev.

@ZODD No, it's not a God-fucking day dream! Let's be honest, MGTOW is not just all self-ownership mate. It also dives into political discussion and views on women and society, like some of their views on hypergamy, the voting system, and the welfare system - they all still have a political ring to them. You are right I won't lose faith in self-ownership but I am still capable of losing respect for the philosophy and those who practice it.

Nihilism when channeled properly ensured eternal vigilance and self-moderation. People need justification to motivate themselves to pursue personal goals, else they risk falling into hedonism, or worse, regressive state - which leads to crime, suicide, or even mass-murder - Just go ask the Columbine shooters who succumbed to regressive nihilism.

Even HHH has explained this on his videos, hedonism can easily be abused and is a pit-fall for disaster.

Throwing your life away on counter-productivity that does not benefit your life long-term. Relying on instant-gratification to pass you by. Laziness in a nutshell.

Who cares about future when they can just have fun.care-free? Even if they run out of money and can't maintain their house or a place to stay. That's neutral nihilism.

See this why I have focused most attention and support with the MGTOW community. They are more focused and more organized than nihilism and they seem to be only ones that will actually call out misandry and injustice indiscriminately, not just from feminists. Tell me what faction that is not a pro-feminist sanctuary will criticize traditionalists, particularly female ones?

It's just impossible for nihilism to do anything like that. Everyone is on their own - a free-for-all environment. No true allies.

Though, I've longed given up hope in allegiances and often fought my battles single-handedly.

But I do still analyze and salvage info from all of these other movements.

MRM, not MRA.

And I am just saying in general my two-cents about nihilism and it's cons.

It's far from perfect, but it is necessary for me.

Air is necessary. You need that to breath. Would you rather stop breathing and drop dead?


And see, that is my problem with neutral nihilism. Too questionable and trivial. Progressive route is more focused. People there got their shite together and just stick to it.

One has to control all of these trivialities and focused mind.

Through progression. Bite the bullet and take measures to benefit your own future. Oxygen is too obvious. Don't neglect it if you wish to live. I still want to live as I want to achieve my goals and maintain them.

Collect thoughts, define goals, and pursue them. Everything else shall resolve itself upon that path.

The ol' classic trivial mind fuck.

I dislike Jordan Peterson.

I am more of a trial-and-error person. self-educate, and improvise.

@Seven Of Swords Why not build from nothing? If everyone thought the same way, humanity would be extinct.

If I thought the way you did, I probably would have committed suicide a long time ago. That is why nihilism needs to be controlled to avoid drifting apart into the Void.


Y'all need to play some construction games, it really helps influence the nihilism premise. From nothing to something.

Fallout Shelter helps too. This War is Mine. Civilizations.

1). it does not have to matter to you, just focus on bettering your life.

2). Too obvious. One type delays the inevitable and expands their personal future, another stagnates and embraces extinction, and the final voluntarily accelerates it.

3). Overcome such irony. We need people to prosper, but it would help to have smart and caring people. A society full of toxics will make it easier for one to neglect it and leave it for death.

So tip the odds in favor and outnumber and outmatch the parasites festering our society, otherwise focus on oneself and make good use of your life while it lasts instead of squandering it.

@the adventures male Just a neutral nihilist stuck in limbo from the Void. Happens too often...

I get your point Seven, there is an endless stream of questionability and triviality of life. I just bite the bullet, take a chance and hope for the best.

Nihilism is my approach, using it to better and expand my life and perspective. Focusing on my own life instead of living for others by their demands.

Hence the goal of progression.

Nihilism helps me stand on my own grounds. It helped me see a truth in human nature and life. It helps me question morality and think for myself instead of following a preset of rules handed to me by blue-pilled cucks on a golden platter.

Egotism does not cover morality. A morally righteous person can be egotistical.

Not everything necessarily, but many do rely on it.

Thing is, I am not just "egoistic", I am nihilistic. I really don't see life holding any true meaning by default. I am just making my own meaning to motivate myself to benefit my life. An excuse to stay alive. But a necessary one.

I pick both. Life has meaning when I MAKE meaning.

Life purpose is not handed to me automatically.

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