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Question, what to do when society invites you to join them

Rage is the heart of a man, a storm that has to be controlled

Or if it isn't controlled, then it's just animalistic, which is where most end up

oh I have some good pics from tinder, where can I put them

What do I need to do for posting to # heres-a-thot?

seemed really angry to me

I dont

I'm either learning something or programming when I'm on here

@machtyn I do that too for sure, its one of the few places to find such

@machtyn simulations are my top genre, but play good titles like Dishonored, Fallout etc. ive played way too many games

@machtyn Civ is a challenging one

Stellaris was fun but I never got too far, boredom may have been it

youre right, I dont think thats a good message

should be about finding your own unique path, which may or may not cross others paths

Isnt the point to stop wasting time on the traditional roles, and find something more creative and fulfilling purposes


and quiet the noise to allow better quality use of your senses and resources

like that cup analogy, you have to empty the contents to have something new

I make my own rules, I have my path, I'm just observing MGTOW and am finding similar conclusions about life

it can be when they are in opposition, we all want things to make sense for us

me too

I hear people talking like they are preaching

in an authoritative way

rather than an open respectable discussion

I started to tell a pretty crazy story, but it got shot down in less than 5 minutes

it's my life story though, Im not making anything up, and I dont need it validated

I find peoples minds are so pre-conditioned to reject anything outside the norm

Just thinking

there is wisdom in sharing though

@Redneo I live by the heart and mind not bound to definitions, definitions are just there to give you an idea, I feel it's to const4raining to be bound by them, and choose a more limitless path

imagination has no limits

not when you factor in the imagination of a collective

and even one mind is only limited by time

either way, I choose a more chaotic path

indeed ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

its much more fun to fuck with the system and make your own rules

you got alot done though, thats good

easy to do

money isnt everything though

get a good team environment, good benefits, stable work, etc

I could make more money, buts its not worth losing the heart of it, and thats just a good place to grow

my job is 10 minutes from home

average pay, above average benefits

yeah, the career life can be stressful

usual is

If you really want to excel, budget and make a schedule to study/work regularly

its a discipline like any other

make time for other things

especially sleep

yeah It's hard, but I've found minimizing helps, get rid of distractions and anything that clutters your space

raising preying mantis is fun

I have just 3 right now, but they are growing each week

they molted once so far

shed their old skin

I garden alot too, very stress relieving


with a porch

Im doing an 8' x 4' cloth pot out there next summer

was like $60, and I'll be growing about 10 different things

mostly edible and flowers for the butterflies

yep, doing peppers, pumpkins, watermelons, and strawberries

oh yeah, single moms can be evil sirens

they know what they are doing and have practice

I had to break up with an sm 5x once, she kept laying me to extend the final decision

@Redneo Im having a hard time remembering that comment, but I believe when I say dogs, I was referring to people who will fuck a mate simply because they have an opportunity, the selfish attitude that many people are infused with, stems from greed and the animalistic nature within, and when I say dogs, I mean all men and women that I look down on as an evolved human being

@Redneo Gotcha, I think it's hard for me to explain because I don't think normally

My mind is weird, seriously

I think in feelings and imagery and concepts and mix and match yadda yadda yadda, hard to explain

it's probably like, I don't define myself as any ONE thing you know? I read philosophy when I was young, and remember defining myself as a Stoic, vs hedonist, but I've become something else in my old age that the old definitions might help understand, but not completely. After youve crossed some lines and boundaries, I feel like there's just even more boundaries to break

@Redneo screw psychiatrists on most counts, unless you think you want to be a lab rat for fun, stick with good old fresh air, diet, exercise etc. They tried to give me Prozac after I told them I had just given up MJ, I was like you guys are f'n quacks!

@machtyn absolutely, anything you can SHOW them, actual web services, apps, whatever. It's good to be able to answer technical questions with technical speak too

@machtyn interviewing is great experience, anytime I switched companies I would interview with 5 or so in the same time-span

don't hop too much though unless the place is just really bad, stick around until you feel your ready for bigger challenges

@Redneo dealing with depression is an art, I think the most under utilized thing would be imagination, and pace, change the rythm of your day, and change the focus of your mind, keep the good memories close to your soul if you have them/one

@Redneo you believe what you want to, I was diagnosed with clinical depression and said f that, I don't let it be my reality, I completely redefined the diagnosis for myself. Although I will admit the physical effects can be a nightmare sometimes, I've found ways to cope

You can get all technical if you want, I go eat a gallon of caramel toffee crunch and feel effin amazing afterwards ;p

10 minutes in the bathroom can work wonders too, try it! ;p

seriously, my strategy is like the Shotgun method, if one thing doesn't work, try something else, but subjecting myself to people who "think" they know what to do is not in my repertoire of choices


Whenever I end a relationship, it takes me a long time to recover, years in one case

probably, but combined with clinical and all the physical, changing my mind was my weapon of choice, and it's permanent

well, in that case, yall are fucked arent you?

terrible way to spend a life

I get it though, I know alot of people that are just stuck in it

have you tried smoking a joint?

not that I'm condoning it or anything.....


something happen?

thats like vegas too Ive heard

they have good food there

easy uber rides too

yeah I don't know, I didn't get to see much of it when I was there, but I was not impressed

I think people are miserable because they haven't done something they are supposed to do, but think about it and play with the idea, get thinking and moving when depression hits, you gotta create that motivation yourself, and it's a mountain of a challenge, climb it

I like cats, when it's their turn to go, they go into the woods and become fertilizer, that's what I'll do if I'm able

Decrease the power of the government and all the associated services, make them private, and generate jobs and taxes

you want the revenue, not greedy are you lol

I think at least for MJ, it'll improve things

it's already boosted our economy and decreased crime

Mary Jane

It will probably help curb the opioid epidemic as well

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