
Discord ID: 508523550861295626

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Does anyone have a link for an article talking about the french navy sending texts to wives if the voyage is cancelled?

You have been ignoring your body.

But then again, pain is just weakness leaving the body.

CaN wE cOpYsTrIkE?

Do you get notified if someone "steals" a video?

And he left your intro logo thing there too..

Jeff Bezos' wife is a better investor than all of us.

@Rhunespire The point was that there is no romance

@shadowlessnexus Don't you liek?

@matthias09 I have no idea, maybe it's not officially filed yet.

Multivitamin effervescent drink and whatever you call ibuprofen there.. Nuprin? Q-profen? Ibuprohm? Haltran? Genpril?

And for God's sake do ice water swimming.

Dousing, winter swimming or whatever you call it. Cold showers if nothing else.

Sure it's unpleasant, but it's worth it (imho)

I haven't been sick in years. I think that's worth the price.

Hold on, I'll check

I think it's a tad long, though I have no idea what to cut.

Holy shit, I got metood for telling my opinion ๐Ÿ˜„

@Unknowncrash I take it it's the same as IRL.

@Prinz Eugen Funny how he admits the discrimination against men and all that jazz, but just can't see the reason why that is; why it happens and why it continues.

@Prinz Eugen That ending tho โœ‹ ๐Ÿ˜‘ ๐Ÿ‘Œ

@Prinz Eugen A man of refined tastes I see.

@GingerSnaps It's only an addiction if it's detrimental to you.

@GingerSnaps The first step is to admit it. Now you need to do something about it.

If you want to

@GingerSnaps Not worth it. Other people are other people, another person is another person. Why you do all you've done for a man? For me? Do not put anyone above yourself. No one is going to put you above themselves either. Never give up your own life, goals, dreams, hopes, wants, needs for someone else's life, goals, dreams, hopes, wants, needs - if you do, then you are devaluing yourself for external validation that can NEVER fulfill you, thus you have a detrimental repeating habit; an addiction. And you can be used.. If you want to be used then let me do it - I only require that you improve yourself and never do other people's bidding, including mine.

@GingerSnaps Men get more emotionally attached to women, than women do to men. Do not project your own longing on her, she will use it and let you hope whatever you want to hope. To be an individual is to be free, and do you feel free? Can you let go of her if you wanted to, at any moment? If not, then you are not free. She does not miss you, she doesn't even think about you, and if she does, she only thinks about your usefulness - you as a person do not matter. This is the "sad" truth of life: as a man you are alone. Anyone who says different is fake and gay.

@GingerSnaps Women are as attached to men as you are to your favorite hammer. Understand this, truly understand this. Then project that feeling of caring onto women, and it'll make all the sense.

@GingerSnaps So you get my point: neither do women.

@GingerSnaps That has never been any different. Your expectations and hopes are what causes your pain, but when you realize that it has always been like this, you'll start your path to being free - and once you get past the initial shit - you wouldn't want it any other way. You will embrace your solitude.

@GingerSnaps "One person's validation is as good
as another - it does not matter. The one
that matters is yours, your sense of your
own validation within yourself. And
gentleman, in terms of women, if you are
at your center of validation,
she's completely incidental."

@Unknowncrash Movie or a dinner first.

On the relapse part: if you want to stop, when are you actually going to do it? You will never be ready unless you just decide to go through with. There will always be another excuse to post-pone it.

Just stop if you don't want to continue

@GingerSnaps Correction: you bonded to her.

Women don't "bond"

The love, the romance is in your head.

@GingerSnaps I know you do. But women do not care about you. They never did, the bond will wither the minute she has better options.

>she truly did love me.

>Even if it was just for what i did for her

Pick one.

@GingerSnaps The options just weren't secure enough.

For letting go of the previous branch

Which was you.

@Unknowncrash ๐Ÿ˜„


"Males, you have to purchase female affection.
You have to buy female pleasantries, they do not freely give care to males."
"Hear this, you are not cared for in a vacuum by females, you must purchase their pleasantries and validation.
You must buy female interaction. There is no care from females for males, you have to buy the illusion of them caring about you.
Yes, life is sad, it is harsh, it is cruel, but the sooner you accept this the sooner you can bend life to your whims.
You are alone and females have no inherent fondness for males the way males care for females."
-Liberation Y, MGTOW Essentials: She Does Not Love You. v=YfK3r0P52GE

Also: the feeling of love is a chemical high. So... yeah..

@Phosis T'Kar @GingerSnaps To that I'd like to add, that if you want to go back to her, then do it. But you have been warned. And if it turns out shit, like we are all trying to say, then you are welcome to come back here. No need to feel shame.

@GingerSnaps The point we are trying to make is: We know. We've all been there. We've all felt the same thing.

@Prinz Eugen It's almost 11:00 AM here.. Which kinda tells you that female nature is universal ๐Ÿ˜„

@GingerSnaps Hermit's videos will actually suffice.

@Prinz Eugen Long walks alone listening to MGTOW content๐Ÿ‘Œ

I've met 2 NAWALTS, both were AWALTS.

@Unknowncrash Yes, now that we've covered weed, now it's time to move onto the topic of women.

@GingerSnaps R.. re.. ready Brothers, bring righteous death in the name of the Emperor?

@GingerSnaps ๐Ÿ˜„

11:50 Here







I'm 7 hours from the future.

Almost mid-day



For now. Though it doesn't look good..

And we've had our share of groomings and stabbings

@GingerSnaps I love that there was an article that said regardless of the mag ban, 0 magazines were turned in. Proud of you guys.

WTH? The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Government doing that shit is EXACTLY why the Amendment II exists.

@GingerSnaps Tell me about it, you guys did it right in the Constitution.

@GingerSnaps UK has a knife ban, and without a proper reason it is illegal to carry one here where I am.

@GingerSnaps Wait you can have a sword with you? Brb, I'm packing my bags and moving there.

@GingerSnaps Gladius, that's what I'd have.

@GingerSnaps Katana would be awesome due its lightness

How about sheaths?

Or does the blade have to visible?

@GingerSnaps Yes, I asked because of concealment. Ofc I want the blade to be protected.

@GingerSnaps No I mean rapes by immigrants = young girls being held down and shagged by force.

"Isolated incident"

Is the narrative here.

@Not in the fbi


I wish it was isolated only in UK

God damn it... I was just about to give some tips..

Now we have to be tolerant again so as not to upset people...

Because they might do something.




What does her reaction have to do with your life?

Does it validate you?

Why is her reaction of any importance?

To you.

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