
Discord ID: 313156859743961089

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in that case, as a responsible adult, I must tell you to fold her in half

then get waifu

freedom doesn't have a premium when you're young

so glad I was able to learn from other men's mistakes with women

now I get to spend all this money - on myself!

and others that are worth spending on

not bitches

^ too much work, sex torso FTW

not too broke for a thot's annihilation of what's left of your life, tho

ugly chicks are even more dangerous cuz they're desperate

that Paloqueth sex torso is pretty nice

its like $30

jiggles and everything, holes feel pretty realistic

no nasty ass smell, and doesn't get hurt from the bbc

I will make the Pimp's prayer for you, so the Lord helps you through the thirst of the thot

as you mentioned last night on the chat you employ the "asshole strategy" to assist them to leave you alone: but what if they become vengeful and decide to fuck you over with false rape claim, etc. @Happy Humble Hermit

also, it becomes harder to be the "discardable asshole" as you age: having your own place, car, and good looks* can be false-rape bait

also the women themselves will tend to be more desperate as they age (assuming you date near same age range)

pumping and dumping was easy in my early twenties

but now at 30 its getting more risky

man's got stuff to lose

also aren't femenists pushing to have "game" (lying to them, leading them on, etc) considered rape?

heard TFM talk about it once

absolutely, I'm just thinking aloud. mgt[O]w is about going your *own* way and each man's path is his own

imo the only standard of the philosophy of MGTOW is individual sovereignty

short term respite

it appears you have just answered your own question ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

MGTOW stoicism ftw

I provide merely a weak reflection of sensei Socrates

@Kazemaru that's the logic of that Spike Lee movie "Chi-Raq"


@Happy Humble Hermit @HK-47 that Carly Marie person trolls your YouTube livestream then reports whoever responds to her/it - FYI

and its getting people Timed Out...

I can't add to the YT chat anymore after responding to her REEing @shadowlessnexus

(Septimus Severus)

from MonkeyBidness

it may, or may not, be the same @shadowlessnexus. Lotta copy-cats in this space

so yes, just figured that out

or I make retardation...

how long does a timeout last (on YT livestream)? @shadowlessnexus I literally ask her/it what her age was, no edginess at all - and got timeoutted

5 mins eh


I hate this Itachi punk

PUA in mgtow clothing



@MGTOW INDIAN what are you ready to do, me bruddah?

purge the cucks in India hopefully?

Brahman is proud of you bruddah @MGTOW INDIAN

or Krishna

cuz shit going down

Buddha was straight mgtow - gtfo out of that craziness @MGTOW INDIAN

happy thanksgiving

Nazi @shadowlessnexus it all makes sense now

thought I was listening to TFM's economic's lesson


(furries... from ISIS gallows)

I don't hate anyone, ISIS does

i hate isis

so yes, I do hate someone

I just don't want any harm coming to the cucks

I need my freedom

cucks gonn cuck doe

why you always gotta carry extras

extra condoms

which % of mgtow do you estimate to be single dudes vs married/divorcees

ok so mgtow really fucking shit up

because ultimately the cuck issue is a replacement issue

so the cucks may not even be the source of the "problems"

maybe it's just us

because dumbass wundah wumaah

fuck I'm supposed to be sleeping

Teutonic bastard

they got wiped out eh

fighting baltic heathens

now that was ISIS on slavic heathens

I'm talking about Teutonic order @Templar

your avatar pic

they were ISIS of the north


you would be flying from a rampart in short order @Whats gay anymore

you too used to your ways online

every state is like a country, in an emergency state contains big cities

what do you guys think of RDR2's first person mode

I just hang out in that mode for hours

these gators don't feed themselves

I didn't play the first

coming here first game from GTA

recent escapee from normie concentration camps

or maybe I have entered the camp with RDRD2



you played The Forest?


that game is solid

survival horror

been in development for years by 3 dudes

the power of capitalism

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