Texas Nick

Discord ID: 443279583131861012

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"language is a function of time and location"

speaking of toxic crap

thats why

@Bobby ya that is always disheartening

@Forsaken.Rhoeth junker is the richest guy in EU, who's grandfather was the right hand man of hitler who had most of the nazi fortune

of which merkel is hitler's daughter in real life

on top of that if you overlay the nazi regime from ww2 with EU, it's almost a direct mapping

@Forsaken.Rhoeth my family is german and its very dear to me, many germans i know are foaming rgiht now

@Forsaken.Rhoeth nothing makes my blood boil more than what i see happening in both of those places

if there is a hot war im on the first c130 there

and it may well come to that

ill be on the first flight

i promise you

the cia is there now, and they are doing their work as they do always before invasions

we're on the ground in many subversive ways already

@Forsaken.Rhoeth hit the nail on the head there

@Forsaken.Rhoeth i have a 1933 set still

hardcore stuff

actually not easy to read

i agree there

@Forsaken.Rhoeth if pokahantas runs ill be showing up on camera protesting and getting kicked out of her rallys

i dont think she'll bother though

@Forsaken.Rhoeth that changes my perspective strangely on shakespear ๐Ÿ˜›



there is some accent there



i know i like it

it just took me a second and im from the south

ohh i just spent time in nashville six months ago

missing it

@Forsaken.Rhoeth you're not any religion at all?

@Forsaken.Rhoeth i have fath, its something also besides belief too

what does spiritual mean though without something like God?

@Forsaken.Rhoeth by we? you mean?

now my curiosity is killing me haha


@Forsaken.Rhoeth aliens eh? ya i believe in them too, strange isnt it?

solar warden believer?

i think its true with solar warden

so i might be the only baptist in the world that does but im ok though with it

oh ok, well i havent met any others though lol

@Forsaken.Rhoeth so you know many of my people? (i know i say that like a cult j/k)

SBC, not the others

several in TN but more so in SC and TX

i get that idea

im still thinking it over

not sure yet how i feel about it

@Forsaken.Rhoeth to me --- that does not mean that there is no God

@Forsaken.Rhoeth anything could happen and that wouldn't mean i give up that faith

@Forsaken.Rhoeth well i would say to that as long as mice dont take my book. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ im ok

@Mixy i more think shes the wicked witch of the west

@Forsaken.Rhoeth share the coffee?

thank you!

just as long as its not pumpkin spice latte because i have a set on me. (not a soy boy)

so since we've all done the ok hand sign, so that makes us rediculously far right or something?



thats what they call it now?

im down with that

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