Rowan's Fuxedo

Discord ID: 251090005563408385

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2020-02-13 18:27:25 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

2020-02-13 18:34:11 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

I'm Rowan, 20, trans male. I write poetry, write stories, cook, garden, build things, program, a couple other things.
I'm tired of the abuse and CSA I've endured and still have to deal with every day being dismissed by people claiming to be feminists. I'm tired of only being treated like a man when it's convenient for them. I'm tired of having to share queer spaces with people that smile and call me their "sister" and try to hit on me. I'm tired of being seen as a dirty predator because my sex drive is so high. I'm tired of people always assuming I want it because I'm a man. I'm tired of people overstepping my boundaries and treating my emotions as weakness. I'm tired of my appearance *still* being the only gauge of my worth to people. I'm tired of being objectified. I'm *tired*.

2020-02-13 18:35:40 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Child sexual abuse.

2020-02-13 18:38:35 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

It's okay, I'm sorry if that was a little too Much

2020-02-13 18:50:25 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

I'm sorry...I feel that though
People assume men can't have eating disorders
But the only way I could eat when I broke up with my narcissist ex was when my little sister hounded me to

2020-02-13 19:02:42 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Thank you ๐Ÿ’š
I'm deserve someone that loves you and let's you know it too. Someone who doesn't let the love and connection die.
Two of my three exes got so Fed Up with me and said that they felt "responsible for my wellbeing" and acted like I wanted them to saw their fucking arm off and give it to me when I just wanted the first one to call me after I got out of the hospital, and wanted the second one to respond to me talking about my body image issues and someone insulting me with more than just "that's shitty"
Do you know how much I bent over backwards for these assholes??? And I get tossed away whenever I'm not the model man. Fuck pillow princes.

2020-02-13 19:02:46 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Oh hey,,,lol

2020-02-13 19:07:42 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Well it's 2020, tell her to take care of it her damn self then. She's an adult.
It's absolutely valid to not know cars though, that shit can get complicated, I only know because I'm learning it now when I was never allowed to touch overly masculine subjects

2020-02-13 19:08:09 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

And yeah like,,,,I tend to attract narcissistic parasites for some fucking reason.

2020-02-13 19:14:40 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

It's alright. I'll never be great but what I can do is support my little sister so that she can be and succeed where I failed. Where I didn't have guidance and had to learn the hard way..
The only guy here that knows car stuff and he's trans ๐Ÿ‘€ ~~my tag line is a tranny to fix your tranny...I'll see myself out~~

Yeah I feel that...I don't stigmatize those with mental health issues, but I can't stand people who can't cope with them and let them hurt other people. I try so fucking hard to not let my shit affect other folk and it seems like some of them just don't care.
I'm sorry you're deserve love and outside support. You are not expendable, you're a king with your own strengths and reason for existing. You're wonderful ๐Ÿ’š

2020-02-13 19:16:09 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Of course ๐Ÿ’š my DMs are always open to anyone that needs to talk about anything. Trust me, I've heard it *all*

2020-02-13 19:19:14 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Honestly I feel that
I don't want sex to be given to me like it's a reward or a treat for being a Good Boy. I want sex with someone who wants to have sex with me too.
Which is fuckin impossible to find but

2020-02-13 19:19:47 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Especially since I don't really trust or fall in love easy At All

2020-02-13 19:20:09 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

I'm on the aromantic and asexual spectrums and my sexuality is a big question mark

2020-02-13 19:20:29 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Sexual trauma definitely makes things different and harder to interpret

2020-02-13 19:26:57 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Thank you ๐Ÿ’š I mean I've been attracted to people regardless of gender but
It feels like with my high sex drive combined with my inability to feel attraction to people without trusting them (which usually means I get horny for fictional characters because that trust component is gone,,haha) is tearing me in two
I just want to be torn into two, a prude and a pervert, and have it be done. I don't want to be a walking contradiction in so many ways anymore

2020-02-13 19:40:43 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

That's a mood..I want to just pick from a catalogue of characters I would fuck and have a field day. It'd be a mighty long list though,,

2020-02-13 19:43:07 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Honestly though??? Chubby is so nice. So squishy and perfect

2020-02-13 19:43:18 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

On anyone tbh

2020-02-13 20:22:41 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Thicc is so nice,,,,aaaa I just want a thicc cutie to lay on top of me tbh,,,
Yeah~ I'm demisexual

2020-02-13 20:22:59 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

I have been for a while, the label suits me the best

2020-02-13 20:24:35 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

See I used to have a weighted blanket but it's with the ex roommate that came onto me and got mad when I said no, so he can keep it, idc
I just want to feel soft weight on top of me,,,it's a nice stim for my ADHD ass

2020-02-13 20:26:43 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Nah, it's just a new completely different thing I decided to bring up.

2020-02-13 20:27:02 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Softness is such a nice stim...

2020-02-13 21:15:34 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

They are so good ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š weighted blankets and big ass plushies

2020-02-15 19:20:50 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Heya new person

2020-02-15 19:22:42 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Oh oof,,it was raining hard here a few days ago, the wind was howling

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