
Discord ID: 153586565094834176

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same with rapists

Bounty hunting is literally still a thing

you can go citizens arrest people for money



Are you *into* weeb nerds?

I prefer larger women

I'd like if they were larger than me

but thats a little hard


at 6'5 and 240 lbs I can't really hope for anything realistic lol

my wife is 6'0 tho


lol we live on big land

just downsized a little though

sold the 35 acres

now just 2.5

Overweight is okay obese is not

see <#492824414287691776>

Amerikek is coming for you Sheep

You're gonna have a Keque themed wedding


lets set you up with @country doggo

He has lots of money

>being into kikes


I never kissed anybody until I was 20

real shit

Thats literally how I was

First girlfriend ever kissed me lol

she made the move not me


ended up marrying her after a few years and a few other relationships @SheepTeeth

Try and meet girls at things you like doing

usually that'll work out well for ya

thats fair

alright Imma lay some advice on you niggas

I used to be that way in early high school

Start trying to just say hi to people

be friendly

you don't even have to hold a conversation

then it'll start to go further if someone says something like 'Hi, I'm great, how are you'

and its a really easy way to get more comfortable

well just know for a lot of people it makes their day better that someone acknowledged them


Sheep is gonna be your best bet on female behaviour

god I felt like an incel writing that lol

but the way I got women won't really work for you

so socialization is all I can give you

You'll also feel a sexual tension sometimes

like its hard to explain, but the air will just get really thick

thats more late stage shit tho

@noobypropmaker dont give cheaters a 2nd chance

That's the best shit I can tack on for you

Yeah she covered most of it

Also every interaction with a woman doesnt have to be for the goal of getting with her

And mostly just be yourself. Like if you really like something and are passionate about it, women eat that shit up because it shows you arent a self pitying lump and you're not just sitting around when you arent at classes

I'm getting incredibly upset by the attitudes members of this community have towards the British people who post regularly on 4chan.

The hostility is absolutely getting out of hand. How do you think we feel when every time we make a post we are constantly met with the same lame responses.. This has gone beyond memes and banter. We are having up to ten British hate threads every single day. Some of you are even calling for our deaths.

We have contributed so much to this world, we have given so much and asked for little. We have elevated the savages of this world and given them civilisation, we have defeated the evil of the German Reich twice and gifted you all with wondrous technological feats. If you wear a suit you are wearing our national dress, if you eat bacon you are eating one of our national dishes, if you watch television or use the world wide web you are using our inventions.

Anglos are a net contributor to the planet.

We get called cucks, Mohammeds, we get called spineless and scum. You constantly and endlessly insult our great country. England has given so much to the world and has asked for so little in return.

I can't even post in most threads anymore without being met with the same barrage of abuse and troll responses - or the same news clippings posted again and again and again.

It's honestly quite disturbing how much Anglophobia there is on this board, you treat us worse than niggers and I'm begging you to stop.

You are turning us against you with your actions and speech. This has gone beyond a bit of light hearted banter and is now just 24/7 abuse.

JUST FUCK OFF. It isn't funny. You are not clever. Stop this bullshit brit hate its impossible to fucking post. you are ruining this board for us.


Not being mean, just trying to speak sense

Itll be okay my nigha

Sometimes your brain is whack

And because it meant something

But it helped shape you into the person you are today


I've been at work from 10am to 10pm the last 2 nights because of that shit


30 an hour


We have 2 people to manage ramp on c shift but 1 has to do airlines so despite being mid shift I have to work C shift all night

Yeah I feel you on a real note

Keep it to grind it'll pay off


Just make sure to make them do your 3-month review cuz the past two places I've worked have f****** skipped that


1 strike doesnt do anything

and you never lose it

Strike number 1 does not have any restriction, but serves as a reminder that the mods are keeping an eye on you.

Strike one will never go away

Just power through it amerkikek

Itll get better

I'm so fucking annoyed at my management

We have a notam issued meaning Planes without reservations can't come in and stay the night or we will call the FAA and fine them but every time I stand firm because I'm the only one who will give pilots the bad news on nobody else wants to, they asked to talk to a manager and the manager lets them stay which is going to make my life hell tomorrow

And it also makes me look like the asshole

I'm a DM as well

I just have a terrible work schedule so we'd have to do montady or Tuesday sessions

My wife packed her stuff and left

shes at her moms house right now

tbh i dont know how i screwed up so bad

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