
Discord ID: 677578303279726595

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2020-03-01 11:29:15 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #x-files]  

I've always loved Africa and I've always wanted to go. My uncle is a zoologist a few years ago he got the opportunity to go work in Zambia for a few years.
>last summer
>parents ask if I would like to go live with uncle over the summer
>immediately say yes
>ffw a few weeks
>In Zambia for a while now and have gotten pretty comfortable
>In a town in the central part of the country near Kafue national park where uncle is working
>uncle has the day off but I don't really feel like spending the whole day with him cause he can be annoying
>decide I'm gonna go for a hike in the bush
>get in car and drive a little while away
>find a good spot of uninterrupted bush past the farmland
>get out and dick around for a few hours
>after like 3 hours I get the feeling of being watched
>can't shake it
>pretty much immediately leave because fuck that feeling when you're in the bush
>get back to car without incident and get back to uncle's house
>ffw a few hours to that night
>laying in bed
>reading some manga I brought over
>have window open cause it was a nice night out
>hear some shuffling outside the window
>figure it's some animal or some shit
>then I hear a kind of warbling/rumbling sound
>sounds kind of like the sound you hear when an electric garage door is being opened from far away
>figure it's just that
>after like 20 seconds it doesn't stop
>get worried
>more shuffling around outside the window
>get off the bed and lay on the ground facing the window
>hear more shuffling and that rumbling sound getting just a bit louder and louder
>about to shit myself
>hear from outside some slurred and loud voices from some clearly drunk guys
>noise stops
>hear a lot of shuffling and then silence besides the guys' voices
>uncle comes in
>asks what's wrong
>tell him what happened
>he figures I'm just fucking with him
>tells me to be a man and close the window if I'm scared
>can't bring myself to do it
>he finally does it
>like an hour later hear something outside run off

2020-03-01 11:29:33 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #x-files]  

only spooky shit that happened to me and what got me into looking at paranormal shit

2020-03-01 11:39:27 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #prepping]  

cause I love Africa and fuck the first world

2020-03-01 11:39:47 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #prepping]  

I don't know man I've always just been drawn to Africa

2020-03-01 11:41:19 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #prepping]  

nah why would I do that

2020-03-01 11:42:48 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #prepping]  

I don't know how they're a drain on society when they are the society

2020-03-02 05:21:44 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  


2020-03-02 22:20:01 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  


2020-03-02 22:20:05 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  


2020-03-02 22:23:44 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

this shit

2020-03-02 22:23:52 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

fuck snatches

2020-03-02 22:24:40 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  


2020-03-02 22:25:00 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

can barely do bodyweight with that shit

2020-03-02 22:25:07 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

fuckin bullshit

2020-03-02 22:26:04 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

I'm working on it

2020-03-02 22:26:09 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

but fuck that shit

2020-03-02 22:26:32 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

I guess it's fair cause I never do it outside of lifting with the football team but fuck

people in school won't stop coughing

help bros

2020-03-03 01:27:20 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

my friend's little brother is like actually an incel

2020-03-03 01:28:20 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

like I'm talking the women hating, elliot rodger, narsassitic, can't get a girl, creepy, lacks a chin, school shooter type incel

2020-03-03 01:29:11 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

nah, he's not a tranny so he can't be a r9k user

2020-03-03 06:26:18 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #history]  

@รœberSoldat I'm pretty sure it comes from the Mason Dixon line between Pennsylvania and Maryland. This line marked the border between slave and free states.

2020-03-04 04:29:31 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #weeb-toons]  

unironically true

well boys

I've been coughing all day

2020-03-05 03:02:03 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

goddamn what I would do for rain

2020-03-05 03:02:30 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

especially rain like that

2020-03-05 03:02:32 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

mmmmm that's good shit

2020-03-05 03:02:53 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

but you get to listen to the rain so it's not that bad

2020-03-05 07:00:14 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

it's what happens when you let porn into society

2020-03-05 07:00:37 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

I haven't gone on b for like 3 or 4 years

2020-03-05 07:21:09 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

subhuman coomers with no willpower

2020-03-07 04:17:24 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

>tfw no foreskin
>tfw job
Am I a Jew

2020-03-09 17:23:24 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #general-sfw]  

I'm really hoping this is societal collapse

137 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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