
Discord ID: 257148413949247488

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they were used as Hungarian military bases, and some of the new ones were built purely for tourism, but not all

we're talking about the Balkland wars

Yes they built a Castle-like resort for torism

they arent

Castle are still supreme

its a defensive structure against peasants and migrants

IKR, but the idea is we shouldn't let them forcably collonize us

So we should impound the Soros human-trafficers (NGOs) and imprison all open border globalists for crimes against indigeonous European humanity

this is an endgame scenario if they took over the west

what is there to lose

imagine what'd they do to OUR monuments then

like Stonehenge and ect.

@franti I said nuke from a satelite

letting them win would be apocalypse already

Morrocco needs to be "Liberated" because it has weapons of mass destruction

<:think_hitlerdidnothingwrong:378717099952177162> its not like they sided with anyone in WW2


too much kebab


its full of Kebabists, so we wont touch you with America's big stick

Both Kebabists are bad from our perspective

Remove kebab, then we'll talk


I did notn't

Mussie = Kebab. Kebab spreaders are Kebabists

๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธ Remove Kebab Plox Or Else

they kill themselves, dw

atleast they arent Kebabs

Kurds are Kebabs

<:triggered:382980748115968000> <:deus_vult:382980746727522305> <:swedenistan:382988769298481152> <:deus_vult:382980746727522305> <:triggered:382980748115968000> <:deus_vult:382980746727522305> <:swedenistan:382988769298481152> <:deus_vult:382980746727522305> <:triggered:382980748115968000> <:deus_vult:382980746727522305> <:swedenistan:382988769298481152> <:deus_vult:382980746727522305>

Majority Kebab is enough to know it cant be helped

once they take control, they'll breed like a frenzy to retain control

yet they are still above the law in polygamy and FGM

only one FGM actually convicted since became illegal due to family hush up on the perpetrator

thousands of convictions

one prosecution

its another Rotherham shitshow

well its not part of English culture


in western cultures you cant consent below 18

your mind has not matured

yes it is illegal

I misread

yes, it is a form of Genital mutilation

and in no way can it be defined as therapy

thats only with parental consent if theyre 16

the parents are legal guardians untill theyre 18

they can have sex at 16 but only if the parents condone it

who initated it ๐Ÿค”

<:triggered:382980748115968000> <:thronk:441701565607444482> <:deus_vult:382980746727522305> <:thronk:441701565607444482> <:triggered:382980748115968000> <:thronk:441701565607444482> <:swedenistan:382988769298481152> <:thronk:441701565607444482> <:triggered:382980748115968000>

2018-07-05 10:20:36 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Latest spiderman cartoon film is made by an Antifa supporter

2018-07-05 10:21:02 UTC [Sparta #general]  

the Bastard

2018-07-05 10:21:44 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Its a film

2018-07-05 10:22:51 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Tank Girl has furry shit

2018-07-05 10:23:08 UTC [Sparta #general]  


2018-07-05 10:40:48 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

@DanielKO Archives

These are factual comments, I dont care for idiots self-describing themselves as "Intellectuals" @franti

And the fact that Turky and Saudi Arabia are funding the constuction of Mosques across europe. Many of them in Austria have been found to be promoting terrorist factions

He won't go, not if he continues to appease them.

there was a Guardian article, but i'ts on my blocklist and I can't be f'ked to repost their garbage

"The mosque would be four times the size of Britain's largest cathedral."

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป <:deus_vult:382980746727522305> D E U S V U L T

wouldnt they cry racism? The Tories and Labor will always melt in their favor to appear more virtuous

they'd call the action ISLAMAPHOBIC

The British Government hasn't vetted a single terrorist walking our streets now, what makes you think they'd vet Imams?

They only seem to Vet Lauren Southern

2018-07-05 11:09:17 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #firearms]  

if it has an adam's apple and a postate its obviously a dude

2018-07-05 11:09:53 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #firearms]  

dont you date people before you try to copulate with them? You'd know if they were a dude

2018-07-05 11:10:35 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #firearms]  

Transgender people can change their appearance, but they cant change their sex. It's set in stone


I just bought Witcher 3 wild hunt. Good game, very European.

Hope GW2 locks down it's statement that Female employees cant use their status as Whamen and Buisness employment to attack the game's customers on the basis of their race and sex. "Manfeels", the absolute Feminazi!

2018-07-07 12:25:30 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #firearms]  

Swords are more reliable than the firearm. Take it from Caesar's legion

2018-07-07 12:25:39 UTC [/r/SargonOfAkkad (Sparta) #firearms]  


2018-07-07 12:54:32 UTC [Sparta #general]  

if you kick a roomba you can litterally make it swivel <:thronk:441701565607444482>

2018-07-07 12:54:58 UTC [Sparta #general]  

can you goomba-stomp a roomba?

2018-07-07 12:55:27 UTC [Sparta #general]  

<:pepe_smug:378719408341909506> memes

2018-07-07 12:59:25 UTC [Sparta #general]  

if it has zombies, burn the script

2018-07-07 13:01:11 UTC [Sparta #general]  

I'm currently writing my own Medieval fantasy series, already scripted out a Espionage Comic...but its not ripe to produce in the current climate of gatekeepers

2018-07-07 13:01:49 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Squirrel-girl style @M4Gunner

2018-07-07 13:03:54 UTC [Sparta #general]  

The feeling you get, when you dont kno how to draw form

2018-07-07 13:04:12 UTC [Sparta #general]  

JUST SOFT ROUND and a texture brush...

2018-07-07 13:04:41 UTC [Sparta #general]  

they employ just any schmuck in America to draw comics

2018-07-07 13:05:02 UTC [Sparta #general]  

I must admit I can only draw monsters currently, can't draw humans from imagination yet

2018-07-07 13:06:09 UTC [Sparta #general]  

as beatiful inside as her exterior

2018-07-07 13:07:12 UTC [Sparta #general]  

now over the summer I have to train

2018-07-07 13:07:45 UTC [Sparta #general]  


2018-07-07 13:08:01 UTC [Sparta #general]  

what genre is your comic

2018-07-07 13:08:19 UTC [Sparta #general]  

@King Canuck sounds like Holywood

2018-07-07 13:08:54 UTC [Sparta #general]  

why doesnt she stay in THE BLOB form? isnt it body positive?

2018-07-07 13:10:15 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Personally I'm an inker

2018-07-07 13:11:42 UTC [Sparta #general]  

I dont buy Marvel/DC comics anymore. Pure political propaganda garbage, and I'm not paying the wages of man-haters, Black supremacists and proto-commies

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