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So I looked at the SPLC website and they have a Hate Tracker. Literally claims to be exposing alt-right twitter conversations. It's kind of worrying that such a dangerous group is making lists of presumably anyone that uses a MAGA hashtag.

Okay so. Let's just say that I'm an American, and here, the media assumes that the rest of the world just doesn't exist most of the time. I look away for a few days and holy FUCK. What did the UK do?!? What's going on, everyone is freaking out.

I don't know much of anything about your politicians or political parties so the news feels really useless to me. Plus who would trust the BBC anyway? Only China should have a state-owned media.

So. The UK finally realized why constitutions are good, huh?

True. But some basic guarantees in writing as contingency for literally this situation might be smart for the future.

Because it sounds like not only are you not going to have a working government but France is going to OWN you. Like wtf, Japan only agreed to this level of shit AFTER we nuked them. And it took two times.

That's nice. Nobody really likes getting evicted. lol

If her approval rating is actually at around 10% though, and the actual country is at threat of being only sort of a country half owned by the people, she should know that at the very least, she should go into hiding, right?

Here, we would have actually killed that person if the system didn't fix itself fast enough I think.

Well I get it. A republic.

It's indirect voting in theory.

Which while not ideal, once the country gets to a certain size, becomes hard to avoid.

I just look at how this has all developed in Europe, and it blows my mind. It seems like the EU just sprang out of nowhere and, slowly became a regulatory body instead of a trade union WITHOUT the knowledge or approval of literally everyone but two countries, the UK finally realized that "Holy shit who gave these guys authority? They signed themselves into permanent office," tried to get out, and got betrayed by its leader.

To be fair. Mob rule is more or less democracy anyway.

Just that mob is even bigger.

Do you get to vote on the candidate you prefer for them to pick from? We have elections for that. Well the Republican Party does. The Democrats pretend they do.

What should we call them then?

Big groups that run basically everything?

Yeah and that voting record would draw all the wrong attention.

People in America don't care as much about honesty from politicians as the rest of the world seems to.

Yeah, we do. But they rally under a single banner to focus their authority.

I mean many of our systems require, flat out, a majority, meaning at least half, to do anything new. If we had three or five parties, that would be unthinkable if each one was made of politicians, e.g. have an agenda.

Though if it's any consolation, most Americans agree in principle with you. And Washington straight up warned not to make parties.

Then we had the Tory Party form shortly after LOL

Which died after like 60 or something years.

That's good in theory but in the US it's impossible.

Then you should realize that not enough people care about much else besides party affiliation.

You'd have to change the public perception of politics first.

True. But you'd have a system that at least for a while, would be crippled.

Yeah. Politics past the state level turns into a money and popularity game.

The system has just gotten too big to be properly managed the way we used to, I think.

House races never go uncontested in my experience.

Unless you have no chance in hell of getting elected so nobody but the clear winner bothers running.

The districts are usually overwhelmingly supportive of one party.

So one party is basically guaranteed to get that vote unless their policies became really unpopular.

This will only change with electoral reform. Alternative vote or something.

Otherwise people feel like there's only one 'real' choice anyway. The OTHER PROBLEM is that almost everyone agrees that Congress is cancer.

The trouble is, nobody agrees on whose representatives are the ones that should go.

Everyone tends to favor their elected Congessman or Senator even if the rest of the country can't stand them. Partially because the country is basically a continent and so local problems can be big factors.

Everyone agrees, get the clowns out of government. They CAN'T agree on whose clowns should get tossed out. There's our problem.

Then the media makes false dichotomies and pushes divisive narratives that convinces people that the other party fundamentally has nothing in common with their beliefs.

That would be the worst possible choice.

Without the state there's no check on the Federal. The state is where the Congress comes from.

That's basically saying get rid of the judiciary.

You can, if you can afford it, @Silver0Fox

It's why there's a mass exodus out of California.

Only the poor and those too invested stay.

Yeet, that wouldn't work in a country the size of a continent. You'd have a map that looked even more like a jigsaw puzzle than post-colonial Africa

They only create the same underlying issue. They always migrate to urban population centers where the same policies get pushed around.

Yeet, easy, you can do that now.

Some people literally do.

They just leave populated areas.

And go where nobody enforces anything because fuck. If you truly wanted to hide in America, you'd never be found if you just disconnected with society.

You don't have to though.

At the individual level, nothing stops you from driving out to the literal middle of nowhere and doing anything you want. Since nobody is gonna waste their time going that far out of the way to check on you, nobody will try to enforce anything against you either.

Just don't be surprised when you're the only one that thinks it's a good idea and nobody follows. Lol

List of places I'm never visiting... Oh wait it's already on there...

Yeah if you're not black AND believe what they want, even if you're black, you're still a white supremacist.

Dunno what you're so happy about I have a dozen of them

Honda makes pretty good ones.

Wait. So minors were allowed to use porn?

Or be shown it by adults?

Okay. I can see why they might try to change that law lol

OH they need like PROOF of your age???

What the actual fuck

How do you even begin to enforce that shit when porn is an international industry?

The UK government isn't clever enough to do that.

It is however stupid enough


All the businesses will just be like a Google in Spain.

"Oh this little island wants us to change our whole industry for them? Guess they don't want our shit anymore, then."

Some black people unironically already believe that the US government is giving them AIDs on purpose.

We arent that capable

To be fair I think that that sort of thing is exceedingly rare.

Yeah some people fake being poor but they rarely make THAT much money

So it didn't make it clear. Bobbit is facing charges too. But they never clarified if he was actually homeless though they do imply it.

Look I'm not calling for violence or instigating anything. Because that would be both illegal and unethical. However, I will suggest that maybe this is the point at which you Europeans might consider an organized response that involves being quite angry and mean. Not saying guns and sticks. But if you have any...

Because your governments have clearly lost the capacity to protect you.

I can see it both ways. There's definitely good and bad points for both a small and a large FDA.

your politicians are astoundingly stupid

Start some 'military exercises' right there off the coast of France. Where's your big stick, UK? Didn't you watch us at all last century? Show them who already has a goddamn army.

Has the UK capitualated?

So I guess everything is screwed huh?

So I guess everything is screwed huh?

So what is the UK gonna do now? May has basically declared that they won't vote because it would get the result *she* doesn't want, correct?

I don't understand how that's legal?

When you hold a vote, you are sorta obliged to carry out the result.

Yeah but what she's doing is more than just delay

She claims the result would be No Deal. With the EU I presume. Which sounds damn good to me.

Is there no mechanism in Parliament to force a vote?

I say they should just rip the agreements up and burn them, tell the EU to invade if they want their money so bad.

Honestly legal agreements only work when everyone agrees to let them work.

Can't, or would be difficult?

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