Message from @THE IRON KENYAN
Discord ID: 280097853508943872
Communism hindered our economy and just generally fucked our shit up regarding citizien class.
Now if we didn't have communism and we'd be in eu would we be liberal?
Probably no.
We didn't have any colonialism so no excuse for "Muh Imperialism".
What'd be left is multiculturalism.
Who knows.
Probably wouldn't work though.
the EU idea is communism
Not really.
@Void What are you reffering to?
Same cancer, different type.
EU is socialism, early stage of cancer.
Redistributing wealth.
EU was berthed from communist ties
the guy who basically came up with the EU wanted europeans to become a mongrelized hapa or 'halfrican' race
im inclined to believe statism is biological
E.U sprouted out from economic alliances, don't know much else.
because we never learn
its a bad idea
the EU was a festering of communism that was allowed to exist after ww2
oh gee goyim we took away all your national sovereignty
must be a coinkydink
I still remember when the EU started, I lived in the EU at the time
im from italy
our national currency was converted at 50% of the value
I still wonder why america and england let the communist shit spread.
so all savings got cut in half
and thrown towards the zionist occupied state of germany
@Oskar636 Jews
because america and england was (and is) filled with commies (who are jewish)
I wonder why jews didn't ruin poland before the world wars.
It was pretty multicultural up until the 1500-1600 when we started being a not-in-the-map country.
well anyway
if anyone can help me with this whole excel - facebook data pull
we could use this method
to find all the antifa scum