
Discord ID: 424286072499994624

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we lost Colton


He tried to schism a few months ago

last I heard he might be joining another group

right, we need an identity again


there's potential there

breaking out of the culture the kikes have surrounded us with


not just reforming the culture, we want to end it

sure, that was just a rough idea

pls no African country tier tricolor

red could be brighter

how about bright red/black bicolor

I thought we didn't want gold


symbols don't have to be easily understood. In the 20s nobody knew what a Swastika meant. But it was visually striking

it was given a meaning

yeah possibly


IE, Identitarian, Golden Dawn etc symbols aren't immediately understood

Personally I do like it

@Tony H What did the swastika mean in 1900?

What did Golden Dawn's symbol mean before they picked it up? Not what it does now

we also want something that's easy to spray paint on a rock or a banner

are we going for a monogram or for a symbol?

I agree

it can be inside a shield shape instead of a circle, that's a great idea


diamond also has natural symmetry with the swastika. Whatever symbol we pick might be better suited to another shape

but I like where you're going

I thought about an alchemy symbol for iron, but it turns out its just the normal male symbol. So not great.

I think the flat top shield looks better

sunrise, dawn, hope etc. Sun symbols have been used by our kind since the beginning

That's a possibility

please tell me his hair wasn't a bowlcut

@Commander Johnson is dead, this is the FBI using his account


Could have been one of those True Crime fanatics

still could be AWD

a hispanic died too

and 2 whites got blown up by a tripwire

she was elderly I think

unless they were coalburners?

or (((white)))





he created the fucking Passion of the Christ

jews hated that

and it wouldn't have happened without him


He's one of us

just not brave enough to go public about it, unless he has a couple drinks

I guarantee he's in a Discord somewhere

or /pol/

its good\

hmmm... The Passion should be on TV at some point soon. Its the right time of year for it.

it'll be on TV this week or next week

I'm considering my options, but at this point plan on sticking around

though it would help if my region even had any leadership

I appreciate that

Supposedly there was one, but I tried for months to find out who it was unsuccessfully. Heimbach and Parrot said they had assigned someone but didn't know who


I kept hearing that any day now, an email is going to go out telling us who our leadership is. But it never happened


Kevin C used to be the leader and he was a great guy, but he had to leave for personal reasons

and I didn't find out until I texted him after a couple months of not seeing him online

When the Party Chairman doesn't know who his to top leaders are, there's an issue. There's only 12 of them

Even the other colonels didn't know

Though now that I think about it, it's possible Heimcock never actually appointed anyone


I had some cool ideas for group camping trips, survival skills training etc but nobody to suggest it to

Like so many other things

If we put half the effort in to internal development as we did to rallies where we accomplished nothing, we'd be in a much better position now

rallies can be good, but we need training on how to do rallies properly

proper tactics, communication, even how to march looks sloppy when we don't do it right

Cmdr. Rockwell knew how to do it the right way

they pulled off the militant look well



not me, I'm white

I like rallies, but we make the mistake of letting antifa choose the battleground

nigga we didn't even have 200 members

we'd be better off doing that good rally Azzmador did and show up where the antifa are gathering and not expecting us

or doing flash rallies to hinder the ability of the system to stop us

ticket system is gone

he said that he wasn't taking any pay for himself

I wonder if he embezzled or if he just spent the money on stupid shit like pointless rallies and plastic stalhelms

btw, who has contact with THTYOUNGTRADBOI? He was cool, he should be in here

he wanted to stick around

but the server got nuked

Slav is joining Vanguard

not anymore

Vanguard is getting a bunch of new guys that were ours

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