
Discord ID: 476631828086915072

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2019-05-21 01:29:09 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

I have a fear of leaving my rosary open in my room cause my mom throws them away

2019-05-21 01:30:07 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

My mom is evangelical something happened to her that made her convert from Catholicism

2019-05-21 01:31:33 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Oh dear Lord that lady is far gone. I have no shame on my belief but if she were to find out that Im catholic she will make my life hell

aww so cute, your little cross eyes

sadly I isn't white, am I gonna get shatted on?

Not as adorable as you guys

And here i think i'm part Spanish and mayan or whatever

not a lot but its common sense and never trust that DNA shit

about Mormons running ancestry

thats fucking scary what they need that for huh?

trying to clone more people to procreate cause they cant breed with themselves anymore???

Im scared now lol

damn it I need a gun now gotta protect my worthless blood

Why cant people be happy from accepting that their from a country and thats it

like why you gotta know who your ancestors bang and shit

just glad im a mestizo and thats it

but does that thing explain where exactly your ancestry comes from or just the locations they could have come from

I remember a black chick on youtube losing her shit cause she wasnt african af but european

well as latinos i dont think they gave a shit about family tree and shit which is upsetting but you gotta live with it

yeah but the issue is that the religion in my parents hometown is different, i was converted in the US but my parents werent practicing religion

like i said my family weird sadly i'm just starting my family tree half way and well my kids will never know where our family comes from. gets me triggered but yeah i get you

yeah exactly

Thats awsome my family a shit show my fathers family name isnt from my parents home country it comes from elsewhere cause my great grandfather decided to become more poorer than he was before and that country is heavily catholic might have some luck

Where is the airshow?

wow looks cool!

thats awesome i really want to check one out

Im from Cali idk if they have any here, its fucking boring out here

I do want to check out the battleship in one of the ports

I think its USS Iowa

I hate being broke and carless I would spend my time there lol

Ive been crazy enough to get married on it lmao

Yeah San Pedro port by Long Beach

no no that I want too

Yeah I love battleships

I know theres another one in San fran

so thats my bucket list before i leave this shithole of a state

Where is that at?

damn thats crazy cool

eww beaches lol

I hate the beach especially where i live full of drug addicts and homeless people

Iโ€™ve attempted to hint to my mother that Iโ€™m catholic but she still doesnโ€™t understand, what other ways can I hint her with a truth she doesnโ€™t want to accept?

Without showing her my catholic artifacts that can trigger her and try to throw away

And they really REALLY hate the Catholics

See I love my momma and I really want to honor them like in the commandments and I feel that if she gets upset that I follow my religion and find her religion batshit crazy she gonna cry and say that Iโ€™m the reason sheโ€™s gonna lose all her blessing that God has for her

I feel like sheโ€™s been brained washed

And the last thing I want her to do is cry and try to guilt trip me that Iโ€™m fucking up cause Iโ€™m catholic

Good morning itโ€™s night time here in Los Angeles

All three sacraments

My mom never wanted me to get baptized since a kid even if I asked to I had to take matters to my own hands

Yeah itโ€™s funny cause she was the one taking me to Spanish mass every Sunday and then she got away from it

2019-05-22 17:13:47 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

<:angery:557564679879393292> <:angery:557564679879393292> <:angery:557564679879393292>

2019-05-22 17:38:08 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Why can't we shoot pedos

2019-05-22 17:38:18 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

They don't deserve to live

2019-05-22 17:41:07 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Anyway to get rid of pedos is good for me

2019-05-22 17:42:13 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

But shooting is preferable, they made good target practice

2019-05-22 17:42:39 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

My gun is hungry for BLOOOOOD

2019-05-22 22:15:29 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

But pedos shouldn't be considered humans

2019-05-22 22:56:17 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Thats normal

Such beautiful art

2019-05-22 22:57:26 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

damn she that smart

I something ask myself how God managed to be so patient about everything as a little baby

Did he understand about his importance in humanity, did our Holy Mother ever tell him that. I wish I know one day

Stupid questions Im sorry

Like he once walked among us, its a shame the people back then never appreciated it. It sometimes makes me sad

If i was there back then, I would have love to learn from him

All his teaching coming from him in person wow that would have been a true blessing

Yeah I know, I shouldn't complain but i'm glad he left it for us

Until he comes again

Man I would've been like St. Peter fighting all them Jews to back up Jesus Christ

Im gonna cry

I remember that

Yeah but we in our day we believe in him and know what he did for us

If we had to be back in time when he walked on Earth we could have treated him differently

Same i dont think we are in a society where we can be free of sin

@Wrath have you heard anything from that Gilbert guy? Y'all think it a bot?

82 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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