Commander Davis (TWP)
Discord ID: 178688706373353472
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If you aren't in the guild yet get yo ass in here we workin job connections n shiet
The Silver Guild is a worker network project of mine I started awhile ago for when goys get fired. looks like it's more needed than ever now
@Hadrian feel free to spread the permanent link in all alt-right networks you're in
@RexLexus I started the guild before cville but I just put out the alert to spread it around seeing as it's needed
Damn I was fired but I never got in the actual paper XD
only antifa news sites per usual
Yeah hopefully I can make a go of it I have to make $2000 a month to match my income before
or get close
I've been on a million documentary hit jobs because I was heimbach's body guard
@โฆColton of Yoreโฆ post in the seeking section
@โฆColton of Yoreโฆ there are a few construction contractors in the discord.
Well I'll mark you as an employer for future use then
If anyone else is one I'll mark you as well
@everyone At some point we may formalize the guild with small dues and such but for the forseeable future this is a free service for the good goys who put themselves out there and get fucked
My insta was shoah'd as well
I mean mine was a bit edgyer but no warning
Just remember...
right now
A Jew is Afraid
Especially since the commies keep vandalizing with hammer a sickle
What is that?
You selling candles now?
Hmm maybe we stock her candles in the merch store when it fully opens
After Parrot finishes the site for me and we have an income stream so I can eat we can certainly look into that kind of stuff my waifu and her are friends
wait I have the link somewhere
Not finished yet
Parrot is trying to make it invincible
@Baeravon Sure can
Most Construction goys are like that the problem is the women that work in the office.
I got fired even though the mechanic I was working under pat me on the back for fighting commies in cville
"Make people I work with uncomfortable" my ass
Not a bad idea
@โฆColton of Yoreโฆ get a piece of rigid pipe from lowes or something and make a hard battlepole
also email [email protected] and we can do the deal
Drill two holes in the side, attach metal screw in rings. use zipties
$25 per
this is my suggestion post cville of course, you can always get cheap shit from walmart
@โฆColton of Yoreโฆ $25 per flag is what I mean
you'll probably need a hex nut on the other side
4-5 foot rigid pipe
2 sets of holes
two screw eyes or shank hook
shank hook probably works better
also you can email me while we have this convo
the flags do have eyelets that's what the shank hook is for
I'll build one once I have money and we can use them as standard poles for going into sketchy situations
Also if anyone has any blood banners frame that shit
I only have a Pepper spray banner
I have a pole that was cracked over a commie's head
we'll put it in the victory musuem of Appalachia one day
I vote Blacksburg VA as capital
We could but it's not dead center
And blackburg is alread large enough for a capital city
Bristol also works
@HueTheHand emailed back
We have a few electricians so probably HVAC or Plumbing
but there's also welding
*rolls eyes*
there's no "touch this and you die" in plumbing
no idea
We do need some industrial mechanics for heavy equipment
I was a laborer XD
Well TWP is the political party, all other NF groups are simply intrest groups.
I control the Labor
Guild plz no purge
@โฆColton of Yoreโฆ I use pins
Well if people would've sent arm measurements when I asked they would be custom fit XD
To specific not to be one of us
Mine is more obvious lol
It just say Reeeee in letters and numbers
Tempted to stake this car out
Well one person cab have it in each state
Yeah not the most stable group
Well TWP is top of the NF for a reason.
I'm telling you with a few shield formation lessons and a little discipline we could be unbreakable.
All we really need is for people not to scramble when shit hits that fan. We hold walls pretty well
you can get round shields on amazon
If people want to get rough I'd suggest you pick up a cheap action camera to use for legal purposes.
Perhaps, I just go with using a rigid metal pole or emt as a flag pole. Makes it a lot harder to get in trouble than an anti carrying a 2x4 with a red hankerchief on it.
HA right?
He's working like a madman atm
I just think if we could get guys to flash march at regular intervals we could scare the shit out of the left
I mean an action in some part of the country every wekk
Those are hard to find
except red
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